Chapter 25

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Jin woke uo early to make then their breakfast. Namjoon was the first one who walked downstairs. "Hyung" He called. Jin made a hum. "Should we read all the letters? Like after we ate brealfast" Namjoon asked. "Hmmm... Sure" Jin answered. The three maknaes walled downstairs. "Morning!" Jungkook said in a sleepy voice while rubbing his eyes. "Morning!" Hoseok greeted as he came downstairs. "Morning!" The others greeted. "So...? Everyone's here?" Jin asked not looking at them since he was cooking. "Nope... Yoongi hyung is still asleep" Jungkook said. Jin nodded.


Jin called everyone as he finished making breakfast. "Yoongi wake up!!!" They heard a shout. "guess Jimin's waking hyung up" Jungkook said. The others hum in agreement.

After a few minutes Yoongi came down with Jimin. "Y/N would be the better one who will woke me up" Yoongi said. The others laughed. All of them sat down and starts to dig in.


"Lets open the one who is for all of us?" Namjoon asked as they sat down at the sofa. They were done eating their breakfast and they decided to open the letters. "I'll read this" Namjoon said as he opened the letter for all of them. "Dear Oppas... I would like to say thank you for the happy memmories. You'll probably read this when Im gone, not as leaving the Seoul but leaving this world." After Namjoon said 'leaving this world' he eyes widened and started to tear up. Jin grabbed the letter as he saw Namjoon teared up. "Oppas... Im not mad at you. I've already forgiven you. Why did I ignore you? Because I dont want you to know my sickness" Jin said. "So thats why she always breaths hard and get easily tired" Jimin said. "I've made you some individual letters. And I want to say sorry because I annoyed you. Remember this Oppas, I always loved you even if you did something hurtful to me. Of course everyone can get a second chance and a forgiveness. I know you were just stressed thats why you just started to say some mean stuff to me. I ignored you so that you can learn what you've done to me. Love your sister, Y/N" Jin ended. The guys have some guilt in their eyes. "What is her sickness anyway?" V asked. "Lung Cancer" Min Han said as he popped up out of nowhere. "GAH!!" All og them shouted making Min Hn flinched. "Lung Cancer?!" Theys shouted. Min Han nodded. All of them looked down. "Sorry for your loss" Min Han said. They boys started to tear up. "We shouldn't have ignored her... If we didn't ignore her we would have gotten our last memory with her before she passed away" Yoongi said. The others hum in agreement. "You need to read your indivudual letters" Min Han said. "Does she have a letter for you either?" Taehyung asked. Min Han nodded. "Well gotta get going" Min Han said with a goodbye before he left. The boys waved goodbye to hin either.


EY! Sorry for slow updates!!

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