Chapter 14

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~Y/N's POV~

It has been 4 weeks and they keep ignoring me. Min Han always come over to comfort me whenever their always at their practice. I felt like Im invincible to them. Sometimes I forgot to take my medicine so I always breath heavily. I always cook them breakfast, and Dinner. Of course I cook them lunch but Jin always stopped me. I only cook my own lunch. Is my cooking bad?

I walked towards the kitchen just to see the boys eating breakfast. They didnt notice me but I notice that they were happy even if Im not beside them. I decided to show up to them. "A-Annyeong... O-Oppas" I said. I but my lip trying not to cry. They just stood quiet. "C-Can we have a-a t-talk?" I asked. They didn't answer. I sighed. "I guess its a no..." I said and left the dining area. I decided to call Imo. "I-Imo... C-Can I moved t-there a-already?" I asked as she answered. She sighed. I waited for her answer.

"Ok... But why?" She finally answered. I bit my lip trying not to cry. Why am I such a crybaby?! "T-Theh h-have been ignoring me in 4 whole weeks.... I always cook them breakfast... But they didnt ate it, they ignore it. Jin doesnt want me to make them their Lunch. Not like he's telling me not to but he always came towards me and he was the one who continue to make what I was making. They didnt even make an eye contact. Min Han always come over and comfrot me whenever I feel alone. I feel like Im invincible.... Imo... Please... Let me move in with you" I said. "Well sure... But What if your brother notice it?" She asked. I sighed. "I know they wont" I said. She sighed. "But still what if they notice it?" She said. "I'll tell PD-nim to tell them the truth" I said. She made a hum sound.

I sighed and hung up. I started to pack my stuff. Imo knows what time when Oppas will left for their practice so I have to wait when she'll come. "Y-Y/N!! W-Were gonna go to the studio!!" I heard Hoseok shuttering. Aish! Jinja?! Right now?! Totally?! Right now you noticed me?! Aishh!!!

I heard a car honk as an hour has passed. I took a peek at the window to see if its really Imo and it is! I grabbed my stuff and ran to her car. I put my stuff at the back of her car. I hop in the passenger seat. I look at the dorm and smiled. Goodbye Oppas.....

My 7 brothers who forgot me IN THE END | BTS ff [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now