Chapter 8

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~Y/N's POV~

I woke up at 6 AM. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Oh! Your awake!" I heard a familiar voice. "Ne..." I say in sleepy voice. I opened my eyes just to see Hoseok with Jimin. "Ey!" Jimin said. I just waved. "Let's eat?" They asked. I goraned as I lay back down and cover my face with a pillow. "Wake up! We have to eat!" I heard Jimin. I just stayed silent until something heavy was on top of me. "Wake up! wake up!" He said. I guess it was Jimin. He stopped squishing me. I sat up. "Wash your face were going to eat" Jin said as he came up to me. All I did was to nod and do what he said. When I was done washing my face I followed them to the restaurant. I sat between Jungkook and Taehyung. "Hey Y/N!" They said as I arrived with Jin since Jimin and Hoseok came before us. I just waved at them. "So... We have Music Awards next week.." Namjoon said. "I'll support you guys!!" I said.They "Awwww... Thank you Y/N!" Jin said. We ate our breakfast. "Yoongi was the one who writes the lyrics, am I right?" I asked. They nodded.

Once we finished our breakfast all us us head towards our room well some of them goes to the other rooms. "Hey guys! Im having a VLive!" I heard Jin said outside. I just layed down to my bed. "Y/N!! Join us!" I heard Namjoon. I sighed. "Nope!" I answered. I saw them come inside the room. "Hey A.R.M.I.Y.s this is our long lost sister! Y/N!!!" Namjoon said. I waved at the video. "Yaaaa!!! You guys started without me!!" Jimin whined. I throw a pillow to him. "Pabo" I said. I layed back down. I felt a pillow was throwned on my face. Jimin laughed. "Ya!" I shouted as I sat up. He cant stop laughing. I saw Yoongi. "Who throwed that?!" I asked. Jimin pointed to Yoongi. "What? You interrupted my sleep!" He said. I facepalmed. "Whatever" I said as I layed back down. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling throught medias until F/N messaged me.

Y/N!! I saw the Live!! You didn't tell me that your Bts's long lost sister!!

I laughed at her messaged. I called her. "Y/N!! Your with your brothers?" She asked as she answered. "Mhm!" I answered. He started to fangirl. "Soo! Your the saeng?" She asked. "Yup!" I said. "Btw Y/N... Introduce them to me" She said. "Mianhae... F/N but they're not going to my school" I said. She sighed. "So your not going back to our school?" She asked. I made a hum sound then she hung up.

I look around the room jyst to see Hoseok sleeping. I decided to go outside the hotel. I go to the park that I was in yesterday. "Oh! Look its Y/N!!" I heaed someone. I turned around to see girls. "Y/N-Eunnie!!" They shouted. I waved. "So your Bts's long lost sister?!" They asked. I nodded. We talled to each other until it was afternoon. I decided to say goodbye to them and go back to the hotel room. "Y/N!!" I heard Jin shouted. I tapped his shoulder. He turned around and got startled. "Am I scary?" I asked. He shook his head. "I just got startled" He said. I smiled. "Kaja?" He asked. I asked where. "To the park?" He asked. "Why?" I asked. "Shooting" He said. "I just we-" I didn't finish my sentence when he grabbedh hand and ran to the park.

When we arrived I was catching my breath but Jin isnt panting. "Y/N? You ok?" He asked. I gave him a thumbs up. I saw Bang PD-nim came towards me. He told Jin to start the shooting and he did. "Y/N... You should tell them" He said. I shook my head. "No I wont... I dont want them to worry about me, I want them to be happy" I said. He sighed and nodded. "Sit down at the bench" He said. I nodded. I walk towards the bench and sat down.

I was watching them taking a photo until someone back hugged my neck. I look up to see Taehyung was the one whp was hugging me and Jimin was with him. I waved at them. "You know Jin and the others was worried about you" Taehyung said. "Why?" I asked. "We thought you left" Jimin said. I smiled. "Or we thought you were lost (A/N: Lost my way~)" Taehyung said. I sighed. "I just went here to look around" I said. They made an 'o' sound. Jungkook came up to me. "Hey Y/N!" He greeted. I waved. "Hyung said that were gonna have a dinner later" He said. I smiled and nodded.

After the shootign we went back to the room. Hoseok ssid that were just gonna order at our room and so we did. Hoseok ordered our food. "Ah yes! Kamsamnida!" He said before hunging up. "Its all settled! Hey... Wanna play a game?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nah.. You dont want to get tired... Your already tired" I said. He sighed and nodded. He sat beside me. "Hey Y/N... are you sure your ok??" He asked. I nodded. "Why?" I asked. "You always get tired easily and mos of all when you got scared you breath heavily" I smiled at what he said. "Its nothing... Dont worry about me" I said. He hugged me. "Please tell us if something is wrong..." He said. I nodded.

Our dinner arrived and we sat at the table. The waiter put the meal on the table. I starred to dig in and so do Hoseok.

My 7 brothers who forgot me IN THE END | BTS ff [BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now