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Rowan could feel the ringing of her alarm through the dark, causing her eyes to snap wide open. It was Sunday, a day where teenagers like herself had normally slept in. But she knew that her mom had been struggling with the bills lately and got herself a job to help her out.

Throwing on her uniform Rowan grabs a quick bite of toast before heading out of the door. Rowan worked at the only diner in the area which was in Forks, a considerably small town just outside of her hometown of La Push. Turning on the lights Rowan is soon greeted by the owner, Carol Clarke.

"Hello, Carol." Rowan grins.

"Rowan, I thought I told you didn't have to be here until eight?" Carol inquires confused.

"I know, but I just figured you could use some extra help." Rowan says.

"You're going to get me in trouble with all the hours you're putting in." Carol warns.

"I'm sorry." Rowan frowns.

"Don't worry about it, darling. Less work for me." Carol assures her. "But you're leaving extra early today."

"You got it, boss." Rowan nods. "So, do you want the lobby or kitchen?"

✦   ✦   ✦

Letting out a sigh after getting home from almost a full day of work she finds her mother, Eliza Ateara, in her garden.

"Were you working at the diner all day again?" Eliza inquires.

"Carol needed the help." Rowan states, but her mother knows better than to believe her.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that? I'm the mother, I don't need my daughter to help me pay the bills." Eliza reminds her.

"That doesn't stop me." Rowan remarks.

"Your father's daughter." Eliza mutters as she rolls her eyes. "You have some visitors waiting for you inside."

Rowan immediately speeds inside knowing exactly who was waiting for her. Quil Ateara and Jacob Black, her cousin and best friend since practically birth. Squeezing the two boys Rowan looks at them grinning.

"She's lives!" Quil exclaims dramatically. "And she smells like grease, how unusual."

"Funny." Rowan retorts looking at her cousin. "So, what do we have planned for tonight?"

"Zombie movie night?" Jacob suggests.

"He reads my mind." Rowan smirks. "Let me just grab the dvds from my room and you guys can put popcorn in the microwave."

Pulling out her zombie movies from her desk Rowan takes a moment to stare at a picture of her and her father from the summer when she was thirteen years old. She was sixteen now and hasn't seen him since then. But he was in the army, he was out in the world being a hero and Rowan understood that.

"I miss you, daddy." Rowan mutters before walking back out to the living room. "Who's ready to watch people eat other people's brains out?"

✦   ✦   ✦

Rowan is lost in her own train of thought in the hallway of school to even bother listening to what her cousin was ranting about. It was probably a girl drama or boy thing she would never understand anyways. Seeing a hand in front of her face she turns to the boys staring at her.

"Yeah?" Rowan says.

"Are you even listening to me?" Quil questions.

"Sorry, guess I was daydreaming a bit." Rowan admits.

"More than usual?" Jacob mutters, earning Rowan to stick her tongue out at them as they both laugh.

"So.. what were you thinking about this time?" Quil asks.

"No one." Rowan shakes her head.

"Ooh, someone's got a crush." Jacob comments, and Rowan avoids all eye contact.

"Who's face do I get to punch today?" Quil inquires.

"Absolutely no ones." Rowan states. "Besides, as you well know, violence is never the answer."

"Such a goodie two shoes." Quil groans.

"I know." Rowan grins. "Now come on, we have to get class."

"But there's still five minutes left till the bell rings." Quil argues.

"Move it." Rowan orders, smiling as Quil listens to her knowing that he wouldn't be able to go against her. "I love being the more powerful cousin."

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