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Days passed since Sam and Emily's and Rowan knew that she needed today to be a day where she just moved around. So that's why her first plan for the day was painting at sunrise. Almost no one was up and it was the perfect excuse to be alone.

Slowly moving her brush across the paper Rowan begins painting a swan in a lake, it's feathers multiple colors. And even though the swan looked more like a messed up jumble than anything else Rowan was pleased knowing that she made something.

Picking up her painting and placing it to the side Rowan takes off her apron and walks to the kitchen. Turning on the stove she begins making scrambled egg, looking off into the distance as she gets lost in her own thoughts.

"Rowan!" Eliza exclaims grabbing the pan putting it on the counter, quickly turning off the stove. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry mom. I guess I was daydreaming." Rowan apologizes. "Want some eggs?"

"As much as I would love some, I can't. I have to get to work." Eliza tells her. "But if you're not too distracted would you mind taking that Crock Pot back to Sam and Emily's."

"Yeah, sure." Rowan nods. "I'll just clean up here and then I'll head over."

"Don't burn the house down while I'm gone." Eliza retorts, smirking as she grabs her purse.

"I won't." Rowan assures her as her mom kisses her forehead. "Now go to work, but don't work too hard. I need my mom presentable for tomorrow. You still want to hang out with Emily and Kim, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Eliza grins. "I love you, Ro."

"I love you too, mom." Rowan smiles and watches as she leaves. "Okay, time to clean. I can do this."

✦   ✦   ✦

Pulling up to Sam and Emily's Rowan takes a deep breath before grabbing the Crock Pot and walking up to their front door.

"Special delivery." Rowan announces after Emily opens the door.

"I was wondering if I was ever gonna see that again." Emily laughs. "Here, let me take that. So how is your mom?"

"Working, so nothing short of the usual." Rowan answers as they walk inside. "But I don't know, I think things will get better soon. I hope so at least."

"Forever the optimist." Emily comments.

"What can I say, it's in my blood." Rowan shrugs. "Emily, about Paul, is he always so.. angry seeming?"

"Paul is.. his own person. But as much as he wants and tries to hide it, he has feelings. You just have to let him show you at his own pace." Emily tells her.

And just like that Sam walks in with Jared and Paul. Rowan can't help but share a glance with Paul. There was just something about him that made her want to look. But then Paul tears his gaze from her storming out of the house.

"Must be his time of the month." Jared blurts, hoping that a joke would ease the tension.

"Right." Rowan says turning to Emily. "Um, I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

Walking outside Rowan notices Paul at the edge of the woods, and he looked upset. But as he makes eye contact with Rowan he begins to glare at her, and it was making her feel uncomfortable to her core. Quickly Rowan gets in her car and drives home.

✦ ✦ ✦

"Okay, now this is good." Emily grins as she, Rowan, Kim, and Eliza sit at the spa.

"Agreed. I can do this more often, boys can shove off." Kim states.

"Boys aren't always so terrible." Rowan defends. "In fact, after this pedicure I'm getting a massage from Tom over there."

Turning their glance to the tall man with reddish hair, blue eyes, and who was relatively toned muscles the girls all smile as he looks their way.

"I didn't say that. I'm just saying a small break once in a while wouldn't be a terrible thing." Kim says.

"Eliza, how have you been doing? You've been quiet." Emily muses.

"Don't worry, I'm okay. I'm just enjoying this moment while it lasts." Eliza assures them.

"So you're okay?" Rowan inquires.

"I'm great." Eliza smiles grabbing her daughters hand.

"Great." Rowan grins. "So, what color nail polish should I get for my toes? I was thinking fuchsia."

✦   ✦   ✦

Walking back inside their home, Eliza's breath smelling completely like alcohol, Rowan brings her mother to her bed.

"I had fun tonight." Eliza grins.

"I know. Although, I think that just may be the tequila talking." Rowan admits.

"I don't care. Life at work was crap, I needed this." Eliza says as she lays down. "You know I love you, right?"

"I know." Rowan nods as she covers her mother under her blankets. "I love you."

"I love you." Eliza breathes as she falls asleep.

Smiling Rowan exits her mother's room and walks inside her own. Grabbing a picture frame Rowan sits on the ground as admires it.

"I miss you, daddy." Rowan says looking down at the picture that was taken so many years ago. "But I know you're still here, in our hearts. I just wish mom could realize that."

✦   ✦   ✦

a/n: I'm sorry you guys if this chapter is complete crap and is kinda weird and crazy and confusing. I had wanted to update earlier but then work got in the way and then I lost power and things became all sorts of crazy. But I want to update and will try to whenever I get the chance. Xoxo, 😘😘

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