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Rowan had been passed out for a couple of hours and everyone was either standing or sitting in the hospital waiting room, impatiently awaiting for news on Rowan's condition. Seeing her mom comes out of her room everyone who was sitting stands up.

"Eliza, how is she?" Sam inquires holding Emily close to his side.

"It was rough for a while, but she's gonna be okay." Eliza responds wiping the tears from her face. "She's gonna be okay."

"Is she okay to have visitors?" Quil asks.

"She's actually expecting you guys." Eliza says. "Go on. She won't admit it but she's getting pretty bored in there."

"That sounds like our girl." Embry comments and they follow Eliza inside of Rowan's room, where she was sat watching the tv above her.

"Hey, guys." Rowan greets smiling. "Look, there's a documentary about the molecular structure of.."

"You're a nerd and I love you." Quil grins hugging her.

"Ooh, careful. I'm still a little sore." Rowan winces.

"So what's the damage?" Jared questions.

"I'll be fine. They just want to keep me overnight for observation." Rowan informs them before turning to Paul. "It was a good thing you all got me here when you did. Another couple of seconds and who knows what could've happened."

"You were lucky." Paul crosses his arms.

"Yeah. I was." Rowan agrees, and for a moment there's just silence.

"Rowan!" Tate calls rushing in.

"Oh my, Tate." Rowan breathes as he hugs her. "What are you doing here?"

"My dad heard what happened and told me. I got here as fast as I could." Tate tells her. "How are you feeling?"

"A lot better. Thank you." Rowan smiles.

"Look, if you're not up for our date Sat.." Tate starts.

"No. Don't worry. I'll be perfectly fine for Saturday." Rowan assures him. "But no cinnamon."

"Deal." Tate nods.

"Hold up — what date is this?" Eliza inquires.

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