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As Paul explained about their history and about how certain members of the Quileute tribe obtained the shapeshifting ability to change into gigantic wolves Rowan memorized every word.

"Wait — so since I'm an Ateara.. does that mean I can change into one too?" Rowan asks.

"There's not many records of a lot of women joining the pack, but it's possible." Paul admits.

"I can't believe it's all true." Rowan mutters before looking up at him. "My uncle used to tell stories about men who could turn into wolves. I just always thought that he was trying to scare me and Quil."

"Well it's not just a story." Paul states.

"Agreed." Rowan nods. "Look, I would love to know more, but I have to go. It's nearly dark and I told my dad I was just dropping off soup for Embry and that I wouldn't be gone long."

"Of course you do." Paul scoffs rolling his eyes.

"Right." Rowan frowns crossing her arms. "I'll be leaving then."

"Wait!" Paul blurts grabbing her by the hand. "You can't tell anyone about this."

"Oh, you mean how some of the boys at school turn into dogs?" Rowan inquires.

"Rowan, I'm serious." Paul urges looking at her seriously.

"I won't tell anyone. I promise." Rowan assures him and pulls her hand out of his grasp. "Goodbye, Paul."

Turning away from Paul Rowan walks back to her car and slides in the driver's seat, twisting the keys in the ignition. Once it's turned she blasts the heat, laying back against her seat as one thought echoes in her mind.

Reality was not what she thought it was.

✦   ✦   ✦

Rowan couldn't deny the fact that she was nervous for the oncoming day. Rowan was never one to lie, but now she had to keep possibly the biggest secret of her life. Peering out from the hallway she finds her parents cooking in the kitchen. Closing her eyes she slowly breathes in and out before walking over to the counter.

"Morning." Rowan smiles sitting down.

"And good morning to you." Kaleb greets kissing the top of her head.

"Rowan, are you feeling alright? You're usually the first one up." Eliza retorts.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. After I came home I did a bit of studying before bed so I slept in a little later." Rowan tells her.

"You sure that's it?" Eliza inquires eyeing her.

"I'm sure." Rowan nods.

"Relax, El. Rowan's still a teenager. She can act like it sometimes." Kaleb reassures his wife. "Now let's eat. I'm starving."

Laughing the family dish out the breakfast before sitting at the table and eating together, talking and laughing as they do. And within half an hour most of the food is gone and the dishes are being put in the dishwasher.

"Alright, I have to get going." Rowan says and grabs her bag. "Love you guys."

"Love you." Eliza grins as both her and Kaleb hug their daughter.

"Have a good day at school, Rowboat." Kaleb states.

"I will. Bye!" Rowan calls as she heads out the front door and walks to her car. Tuning her car radio she pulls out of her driveway and drives to school. Once she reaches the school parking lot she finds a spot to park and walks inside to her locker, and her friends were already there waiting for her. Rowan felt an intense amount of guilt. Most of the time these two guys knew her better than she knew herself. She had no doubt they would see through any lie she tried to tell. But she promised Paul she would keep his secret — and Rowan always keeps her promises. Putting a smile on her face she walks over to them. "Hello, boys. It's a beautiful day today, isn't it?"

"Alright, what are you hiding?" Quil questions, crossing his arms as he raises an eyebrow at her.

"Hiding? How does me commenting on the weather make you think I'm hiding something?" Rowan asks.

"Because I'm your cousin. I know you better than anyone." Quil replies. "It's in your nature to be constantly giddy, but whenever you try to keep a secret you overcompensate and act excessively giddy."

"I'm not hiding anything." Rowan argues holding her arms close to her chest. "Now come on. We need to get class."

"Rowan — math is this way!" Jacob blurts, pointing in the opposite direction as Rowan walks past him.

"I knew that." Rowan remarks turning around and both of the boys laugh as Rowan struts past them.

✦   ✦   ✦

Rowan walks out of the school with Quil and Jacob, re-explaining to Quil the lecture their history teacher had given glass.

"Guys, look!" Jacob blurts pointing at Paul who was standing beside his motorcycle. "What's Paul doing here? He hasn't attended this place since he left a couple of months ago."

"And why is he staring at us?" Quil inquires.

"It's not you he's staring at." Rowan frowns and walks away before either of her friends can say anything. "Paul, what are you doing here? I doubt it's to reapply for classes."

"You're correct about that." Paul confirms. "I'm just making sure that you're keeping your promise."

"Paul, I already told you I wouldn't tell anyone." Rowan reminds him.

"I know. I just needed to make sure for myself." Paul tells her.

"Well you don't have to worry. I haven't told anyone." Rowan reassures him. "Paul, look.. I know you're not exactly fond of me, you seem to be making that perfectly clear, but you don't have to watch over me. I'm not going to betray you. I have no reason to."

"Good." Paul states.

"Good." Rowan nods and starts to walk away, but then pauses before turning back to him. "I know that I know one of your guys' darkest secrets, but you don't have to be around me. I can keep my distance if that would be easier for you."

"And what if that's not easier?" Paul questions.

"That's okay too." Rowan says as her lips curve into a small smile. "Goodbye, Paul."

✦   ✦   ✦

a/n: I know this is short and coming late, but the world is in a literal pandemic right now. I think that's a pretty good excuse for my tardiness. Will try to write again soon. Xoxo, 😘😘

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