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Last night felt like a dream to Rowan. She went to an actual party for the first time in her life, she talked to a guy that wasn't one of her cousin's friends, and she had her first kiss. And it was as wonderfully giddy as she always imagined it would be. She was practically exploding with happiness.

"Good morning, beautiful mother." Rowan greets entering the kitchen, kissing her on the cheek before opening fridge and taking out the orange juice. "Do you want some?"

"Beautiful mother? What did Quil slip into your drink last night?" Eliza questions.

"No one slipped anything. I'm just normal, happy Rowan." Rowan defends.

"Uh huh." Eliza mutters, crossing her arms as she narrows her eyes at her daughter. "You know, I know my normal, happy Rowan. And never once has she called me 'beautiful mother'. So what's up?"

"A guy." Rowan admits smiling. "Tate Waters, specifically. We ended up talking at the party and by the end of the night we kissed."

"Just kissed?" Eliza inquires.

"Yes. I made my limits very clear to him." Rowan assures her.

"Good." Eliza smiles. "So, you like him then?"

"I do. He's sweet and he's funny and I literally haven't been able to stop smiling since last night." Rowan tells her.

"That's good. I'm happy for you, Row. I really am." Eliza grins pulling her in for a hug. "Just remember to take it slow. I know you're feeling a lot of things right now, but taking the time to see if you two work as a couple will be very beneficial for you down the line."

"Will do. Thanks, Mom." Rowan kids. "So, juice?"

"I think I'll stick with my coffee." Eliza replies. "Alright. I'm off to work. Keep an eye on the time so you're not late for school."

"When have I ever been late for school?" Rowan asks.

"Don't argue with me. I'm the mother." Eliza states. "Now go get something to eat. You don't step out of this house until you've had breakfast."

✦   ✦   ✦

"Well if it isn't Mrs Tate Waters." Embry teases, laughing along with Quil and Jacob. "Doesn't she look beautiful, boys?"

"Laugh all you want. This smile will never go away." Rowan remarks.

"Careful. Smile too long and you'll end up like the Joker — smiling on the outside and crazy on the inside." Quil warns.

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