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After opening her eyes Rowan turns to look at her clock — it was only two in the morning. Letting out a soft yawn she pushes herself off her bed and walks down the hallway. Reaching the kitchen she sees her father sitting at the table.

"Dad, what are you doing up?" Rowan asks.

"Just having some tea before bed." Kaleb replies. "Do you want a mug?"

"Sure." Rowan nods and Kaleb makes a mug of tea for her, handing it to her as he sits back in his chair.

"So, Row, what are you doing up?" Kaleb inquires.

"Just having a little trouble sleeping." Rowan shrugs and takes a sip of her drink.

"What's wrong?" Kaleb questions.

"Nothing. I'm just..I'm just having trouble sleeping." Rowan responds and takes a sip of her drink.

"Rowan, I am your father. You can't lie to me." Kaleb says. "What's going on?"

"Okay, well, there's this guy.." Rowan starts.

"Alright — who do I need to shoot?" Kaleb asks.

"Dad, no, no. It's not like that." Rowan shakes her head. "I like him, at least.. I think I like him."

"It's okay to like someone, Row." Kaleb remarks.

"I know. It's not that. But the guy I like, we're just.. we're completely different from each other. He's so blunt and rude and inconsiderate." Rowan tells him.

"I hate him." Kaleb states.

"But he's also surprisingly caring and he stood up for me when no one else did." Rowan adds.

"And this is the same guy?" Kaleb inquires.

"It is." Rowan confirms.

"He seems pretty complicated." Kaleb comments.

"Yeah. I guess he is." Rowan admits and takes another sip of her drink.

"You should give him a chance. If he stood up for you like said then he must have an interest in you." Kaleb points out.

"I don't know about that." Rowan sighs.

"Well if not then he's an idiot. Anyone would be lucky to be with you." Kaleb retorts. "But if he hurts you I will get my gun out of the lockbox."

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