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After working the morning shift at the diner Rowan changes into a set of her exercising clothes and puts on her running shoes. Walking out the front door she presses play on her phone and runs down the road as the music starts. Ever since finding out about the Quileute's deepest and darkest secret Rowan found herself heading out for runs more and more, needing to keep away from everyone and everything. Hearing the sound of an oncoming car she slows her speed and sticks to the edge of the road.

"I thought that was you." Emily comments rolling down her window. "You getting some exercise?"

"I sure am." Rowan confirms with a nod.

"Well I should have you come over sometime and help me get into shape." Emily says.

"Cause you totally need to work out." Rowan scoffs rolling her eyes.

"Everyone needs to work out." Emily counters.

"True." Rowan agrees with a soft laugh. "So what are you up to?"

"Birthday shopping." Emily states pointing to the bags in the passenger seat.

"Oh, that's right. Sam's birthday is coming up." Rowan remembers.

"Yeah. You're still gonna help me with the party, right?" Emily inquires.

"Of course. I'll do whatever you need me to." Rowan reassures her.

"Awesome." Emily smiles. "Well I'd love to stay here and chat but I have to get all this stuff home and hide them before Sam comes back with the guys."

"Alright, just text me later tonight with the details." Rowan replies.

"Will do." Emily assures her before slowly turning back onto the road. "Bye, Rowan! Enjoy your run!"

✦ ✦ ✦

Rowan sits on the couch with Quil and Jacob as a action thriller movie plays on the television screen. Rowan wasn't exactly sure what the plot was, but she adored the enjoyment in her cousin's and friend's eyes.

"Are you expecting someone?" Quil questions as the doorbell rings.

"Sort of. I'll be right back." Rowan says hopping off the couch and skips over to the front door, stepping outside quietly before gently closing the door behind her. "Is that the stuff from Emily?"

"It is." Paul confirms handing her the box that was in his hands.

"Thanks for bringing it." Rowan smiles.

"No problem." Paul assures her.

"Alright, well I should go put this stuff away." Rowan tells him. "Have a good night, Paul. I'll see you at the party."

"Night." Paul replies and Rowan heads back inside.

"What's the box for?" Jacob asks.

"Just a delivery. I'm gonna put it away in my room and then I'll be back." Rowan answers and walks upstairs to her room before placing the box in the back of her closet. Once it's in place she heads back downstairs and sits between Quil and Jacob on the couch. "Now — where were we?"

✦ ✦ ✦

Turning over in her bed Rowan pulls her blankets over her head as she slowly starts to come out of her sleepy state. Yawning she sits up and stretches out her arms, but then she freezes after breathing in an alarming smell — smoke. Quickly racing downstairs she finds Quil and Jacob by burning food on the stovetop.

"Out of the way!" Rowan yells grabbing the fire extinguisher from under the sink and putting out the fire.

"Woah." Quil breathes.

"Thanks, Row. That was awesome." Jacob smiles.

"What were you guys even doing?" Rowan questions.

"Well, we were trying to make breakfast." Jacob admits scratching the back of his head.

"I see that." Rowan nods. "You want me to take over?"

"I mean, as long as you're offering." Jacob says before sitting by the counter. "So, what's your plans for the day?"

"Not much, but later tonight I'm going over to Emily's and helping her set up a surprise party for Sam." Rowan informs them.

"You're gonna hang out with the Sam clan?" Quil inquires.

"What's your deal with Sam these days? We've hung out with him for as long as I can remember." Rowan remarks.

"People change — and in this case it was for the worst." Quil states.

"Well maybe what you're thinking is not what is really going on." Rowan argues.

"What do you know?" Quil asks, crossing his arms as he narrows his eyes at her.

"I.. I don't know anything." Rowan lies, sighing as a wave of guilt twists her insides. She hated keeping secrets, especially to her closest friends, but it wasn't something for her to tell. "I just think you should Sam and the others the benefit of the doubt on this one. You don't know what they're going through."

✦ ✦ ✦

a/n : I know this short and a fluff chapter, but at least it's something. Next chapter will definitely be longer and better, I promise. I hope that you all are staying safe and healthy. Xoxo, 😘😘

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