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The next couple days after her disastrous date with Tate Rowan stuck close to Quil, Embry, and Jacob — even closer than normal. La Push was a small town and she would without a doubt run into him, which she did. Luckily both times Quil was by her side and gave him a warning glare. And as she reaches for a cookie Quil quickly grabs her arm.

"What are you doing?" Rowan questions.

"The last time that you had a baked treat you ended up in the hospital and almost died, and I don't want or need a repeat." Quil retorts.

"Quil, my mom just made these from scratch." Rowan reminds him.

"I know. But I should still test it in case it's laced or something." Quil says grabbing a cookie, closing his eyes as he takes a bite. "Oh, yeah. These are good."

"You're a goof." Rowan giggles and picks up a cookie. "So, what are you doing this weekend?"

"Eh, not much. But you should come over Saturday. My mom's been itching to have people come over and make a fancy dinner." Quil tells her. "Oh, and invite your mom too. Knowing my mom she'll create a whole feast."

"Okay. That sounds fun." Rowan smiles. "What time should we be there?"

"Seven sharp." Quil answers. "Alright, I gotta go. Mom needs me to help build something for the living room. Apparently it's gonna pull the room together."

"Bye, Quil." Rowan replies hugging him. "Give me a call when you get home so I know you're safe."

"Yes, Mother Rowan." Quil teases with a grin before heading for the door. "See you Saturday! Don't be late!"

✦ ✦ ✦

It was nearly the end of the lunch rush and Rowan had less than five minutes left before her shift ended. Picking up the check and money Rowan brings it up to the counter.

"As of now for today's tips we have forty eight dollars and seventy five cents." Rowan comments.

"I think you mean yours." Carol corrects.

"Carol.." Rowan starts, breathing a soft sigh.

"Don't argue with me. You work harder than anyone here." Carol remarks.

"Hey!" Jack exclaims from the kitchen, causing both women to giggle in amusement.

"Thank you, Carol." Rowan smiles hugging her.

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