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Rowan fixes the hem of her dress before walking down to where Quil was waiting for her.

"Are we finally ready?" Quil questions.

"Indeed." Rowan nods and follows her cousin out to his truck.

"You know, this isn't a charity event. You didn't need to get dressed up or anything. It's just Sam and Emily's." Quil reminds her.

"I know, but there's nothing wrong about wanting to look nice." Rowan replies smiling.

"Girls." Quil mutters shaking his head as they both step inside his truck.

"But you have to admit, we have our advantages." Rowan says.

"That you do." Quil agrees driving down the road.

"Quil, slow down. The speed is forty, not fifty five." Rowan exclaims.

"Row, there's no one around for miles." Quil groans.

"Quil." Rowan warns.

"Fine." Quil sighs lowering his speed. "Better?"

"Much." Rowan grins. "And once we reach Sam and Emily's you can thank me from preventing you from getting a ticket."

✦ ✦ ✦

"I'm so glad you made it." Emily smiles hugging Rowan.

"It's nice having some girls around every once in a while." Kim remarks.

"Of course, anytime. Me and my mom are free next Saturday, we could do a spa day with us." Rowan suggests.

"I'm in." Kim agrees.

"That sounds perfect." Emily grins.

"Row, you remember the gang. Sam, Embry, Jared, Paul, and obviously me and Jake." Quil says.

Looking around the room Rowan reminds herself of everyone and their names. Sam was the tallest of the boys, and Emily's fiancé. Embry was one of Quil's closest friends, often seeing him when she ate over Quil's house. Jared was just a few inches shorter than Sam and his right hand man, having grown up with him since they were toddlers.

Lastly there was a Paul, someone who Rowan hasn't had many encounters with until now. He was tall, seemingly built from what she could tell through his tight tank, and despite most of the boys of La Push looking similar to one another there was something that stood out to her. Something that made her stare which usually only happened when she was alone with Jacob, her unrequited love.

As her eyes meet with his, something happens. There was almost a change in the atmosphere, like something very important and life changing had just occurred. But all that was happening was a staring contest between the kindest soul in La Push and the angry boy with seemingly dark impulses.

"Rowan, would you mind helping me and Kim with dinner?" Emily inquires.

"Of course not." Rowan replies smiling, turning away from Paul who was now glaring at her. "The faster we feed these boys the better, right?"

✦ ✦ ✦

After eating the group moves over to the living room, where Rowan finds herself squished between Jake and Quil as Paul sneaks glares at her.

"Emily, amazing as always." Quil compliments, sighing happily.

"It was a teamwork effort." Emily smiles looking at Kim and Rowan.

"Just another day in the kitchen, no big deal." Kim shrugs, laying her head on Jared's shoulder as everyone laughs.

"Shes right." Rowan agrees. "And since us women made dinner, I think the boys should clean up."

"And where is that logic coming from?" Embry questions.

"Quil." Rowan says as she turns to her cousin.

"Come on, boys. Let's clean up." Quil suggests as he shoots to his feet, all the boys besides Paul follow him groaning.

"Paul, aren't you going to do dishes with the rest of the boys?" Kim asks eyeing him.

"I don't do dishes." Paul states, smirking at Rowan as he crosses his arms.

"Alright, fine. As long as they get done." Rowan replies and Paul frowns.

"You know, I don't buy it." Paul blurts.

"Buy what?" Rowan inquires confused.

"Your whole perfect, angel, good girl routine. I've heard a lot about you, and I know it's not real." Paul tells her. "No one's that nice. Not even you, Rowan. All I see is a fake personality to cover up your weak ass insecurities."

"Paul, that's enough." Emily warns.

"No, it's okay. He's just telling me what he thinks." Rowan assures her. "I.. I'm gonna go for a walk."

Sprinting out the door Rowan heads into the woods ignoring the calls of her name. Once she's far enough until all she can hear is the sound of crickets and singing birds Rowan sits down on a log as she cries, Paul's words echoing through her mind.


Good girl.

Not real.



And as much as the words hurt her, what hurt more was the person who they came from. Paul Lahote, the boy she barely knew yet had this strangely strong effect on her.

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