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Rowan sat with her cousin and friend in her room, all silently doing their homework as the radio played softly in the background. Hearing Quil grumble and groan she looks up to see him slam his textbook close.

"Having trouble again, are we?" Rowan inquires.

"Math is stupid anyways." Quil says.

"Math is anything but. It's used in our everyday lives. When we go to the go to the grocery store or when we bake, or I bake I should say. I love you, but you and food handling don't mix." Rowan remarks. "Speaking of should I make my special frosted, sugar infested cookies?"

"Please." Quil begs.

"I second that." Jacob adds closing his book. "What do you say, Ateara?"

"I'll do it." Rowan grins before making her way downstairs as the boys follow.

"So, do you need help or.. can we watch tv?" Quil asks.

"Some help would be nice." Rowan answers, laughing seeing the look on their faces. "Kidding. Go."

"You're the best." Quil smiles racing to the couch. "Call us when they're ready."

"Thanks." Jacob states following his friend.

"Anytime." Rowan mutters as he turns away from her, a small smile on her face. "Alright, let's get baking."

✦   ✦   ✦

"Mom, I'm going for a run. You need anything before I leave?" Rowan asks.

"I'm fine." Eliza assures her. "Oh, Rowan. I have to go to work in a couple of minutes so you can order yourself a pizza or something for dinner."

"Okay, love you." Rowan smiles.

"Be careful!" Eliza calls after her daughter as she turns to the door.

Rowan walks down the street before breaking out into a jog. Turning to a trail she gracefully moves past broken branches and fallen trees. Hearing a small chirp Rowan immediately stops as she spots a small bird on the ground.

"Oh, hey there little guy. What's wrong?" Rowan asks picking up the small creature. "Oh, is it your wing? Don't worry, everything will be okay."

Setting the bird down Rowan pulls out her phone dialing her Jacob's number.

"Jacob Black speaking" Jacob says.

"Hey, it's me. I need to ask you a quick favor. I need you to bring me a shoe box." Rowan tells her. "Oh, and make sure to poke holes in it."

✦   ✦   ✦

Rowan sits in the waiting room of Forks Veterinary Clinic with Jacob patiently waiting beside her. Seeing a familiar face walk in she stands up and walks over to her.

"Carol, what are you doing here?" Rowan inquires.

"Rowan, what a surprise. James hasn't been eating much as of late." Carol frowns looking at the cat in her arms. "What about you? Did you get a new four legged friend?"

"Oh, no. When I was out for a jog I found a bird with a broken wing." Rowan informs her.

"Why am I not surprised?" Carol laughs. "I'm gonna go check in. I'll see you tomorrow, Rowan."

"Goodbye, Carol. Goodbye, James." Rowan replies petting James.

"Rowan Ateara." Dr.Freeman calls walking over to her.

"Is he okay?" Rowan questions as Jacob makes his way to her side.

"He's going to be just fine, he's just lucky you found him." Dr.Freeman assures her. "I actually think he's ready to go back home."

"I think I might be able to help with that." Rowan smiles as Dr.Freeman hands her the bird and the two teens walk outside. "Alright, I guess this is it."

"Would you like to say a few words?" Jacob asks.

"I know that we haven't known each other long, but despite not knowing your name I feel better knowing that I helped another life. Fly free, my friend." Rowan says and the bird flies out of her hand.

"That was beautiful." Jacob muses.

"It was." Rowan agrees.

"So, did you hear about the get together at Sam and Emily's tomorrow?" Jacob inquires.

"Yeah, Quil told me." Rowan answers.

"So I'll see you there?" Jacob questions.

"Absolutely." Rowan grins.

"Come on, let's get out of here. It's going to pour any second now." Jacob states. "Don't want to get caught in the rain."

"Sure don't." Rowan sighs.

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