Part 15

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"Alex is something going on between you and Daniel? You two just seemed to be sitting pretty close when I rode by, " He said. " We are just friends. I was just showing him something," I told him. "So if I asked you out right now what would you say?" he asked me with a grin. Oh great what situation did you land yourself in this time Alex. There was no getting out of this one. I pretended not to hear him.

That's when he hopped off his bike, dropped it and chased me down. Running alongside me he said,"Alex I can tell there is something going on between you too and its fine if something is I really don't care." I coasted to a stop,"Okay I'm sorry for not telling you the truth but Daniel and I met yesterday while I was skateboarding and then about an hour later we were together." I knew that this wasn't the exact truth but it was close enough.

"That will be good for you. I think that he will be someone you can talk to it will be good for you. If you ever need to though I will be there," he told me which really shocked me though his voice did have a hint of disappointment in it. I really didn't care though. "Alex there's just one problem just because you have a boyfriend now doesn't mean that I will stop liking you. It took me a second to process what he was saying.

While I was standing there I saw him hop on his bike and start riding so I followed him. We kept riding for a little bit until we reached what I figured out later was the back of his house. He leaned his bike up against a tree and I did the same not sure what was going on. I followed him until we reached the middle of all the trees. There was a circle of them around us and it was a small circle.

He looked at me then I felt him grab me around my waist and pull me closer to him and then his lips pressed onto mine. I had no idea what to do. I mean this was not supposed to happen I was going out with Daniel. What the heck is going on? He must have realized what he was doing because he pulled away. I started to jog away but then he called my name. I turned around and gave him the death stare this had been his plan all along.

"I'm sorry Jake but you have gone too far. You told me you just wanted to talk and I believed it until now when I realize that it was your plan to get us alone so that you could try to pull me away from Daniel. Well guess what it didn't work and you just ruined our friendship," I yelled at him. "Alex no please that's not how I expected this to be either. I just couldn't help it. I have liked you since the first time I saw you when I moved here," he pleaded.

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