Part 28

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On Monday I tried to smile and wave at Megan when I walked into homeroom but she was too busy talking to Tiffany. Then in math, she actually tried to start a conversation with me. What did she think I was a convenience store? I'll be nice to you when it's convenient. Thanks, Megan but I think that this store is closed come back never! I truly missed being friends with her but after everything this year, I feel like I shouldn't miss her as much as I do.

When I got to my locker at lunch this boy Noah was standing in front of my locker. "Umm hi," I said. "Oh hey Alex. Are you going to the dance Friday night?" he said. "I wasn't planning on it because..." I stopped not quite wanting to tell him the reason but he was waiting so I told him,"The person I wanted to take doesn't go here and since we can't invite people from outside the school I just decided not to go."

"Are you sure you don't want to go because if you want to I could be your date?" Noah said. I was kind of stunned for a second and didn't want to say no but didn't want to exactly say yes either because what would Daniel think. "Let me make sure that I don't have anything else going on and I'll text you later," I decided to say because it wasn't yes and it wasn't no. "Yeah that sounds good," he said as we walked down the stairs and headed to our different classes.

I was a little bit early to class so when I sat down at my desk I pulled out my phone and told Daniel that I needed to call or talk to him after school. I put my phone in my pocket and had it on vibrate waiting for his response,"Hey, what's up? I'll meet you outside when you get home." I had ridden my bike to school that day so when the final bell rang I ran down to where I had locked it up, rushed home, parked my bike and ran out to meet Daniel.

"So I have a problem this kid at school invited me to the school dance but I really want you to go with me. Nobody from outside the school can come so that can't happen though," I said kind of rushing. "Okay, Alex first thing kind of take a deep breath and calm down, second if you want to go then go I don't care I know how you are it's fine," Daniel told me. He always went about things so calmly I wish I could be like that. 

"I don't really want to go that bad I would just feel bad if I said no. Thank you soooo much," I gave him a hug and then I had to go inside and do my homework so we agreed to meet outside later if I got my work done but I got a lot of it done at school so I didn't have much more to do which made me stay focused and not procrastinate which would be a first because that's my number one talent.

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