Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 


"Another one? Really?" Louis asked in disbelief as he looked between the newly married couple.

"More like already?" Niall said in confusion, blinking consistently.

Zayn chuckled at that beside him, but Niall waved him off.

"Are you sure you want this again? Weren't things already too hard from the first two?" the Irish lad continued on.

"Niall!" Gemma scolded him, slapping his arm.

"Ow!" the Irish lad exclaimed, rubbing his arm lightly. "I'm just saying."

She rolled her eyes at him and pushed him away from the couple. "Don't listen to him. Unlike like them," she gestured to Louis and Niall, "I'm really happy about this new baby coming! I actually get to be there this time!"

"Um, no!" Liam protested, squeezing Harry's hand. "No one else is allowed to be there other than my Mum and Harry. That's it. That's how it was, so that's how it'll be. I'm more comfortable that way."

"Aw, come on, Liam!" Gemma complained. "I missed my first niece and nephew's births already! I don't wanna miss this one's!"

"Stop whining, Gems," Harry said with a roll of his eyes.

"This is just not fair, though! I mean, Liam got to help his freaking sister give birth to her first child. Why can't I be there to possibly help when he has his third child?" Gemma argued determinedly.

Liam paled at the mention of that awful experience and had to shake his head to clear it of the images that he really would like to be erased from his memories.

"Stop. Don't ever talk about that again. I still can't forget that; no matter how hard I try," Liam muttered.

"Sorry. But at least think about how much help I'll be when you pop that sucker outta you," Gemma continued encouragingly.

"Liam won't be 'popping' anything out of him," Harry corrected drily. "He can't just 'push' a baby out of his body. He has to have another C-section; it's pretty much the only way."

"And I definitely can't and do notwanna push a baby out of my bum. Not happening, you sickos," Liam added, throwing a pillow at a snickering Louis and Niall.

The two idiots continued to chuckle among themselves as everyone else just ignored them. Eventually, Eleanor came down the stairs, holding her son, Ian, in her arms. She immediately darted over to Louis and thrust her arms out towards him.

"Your turn," she said simply.

"For what?" Louis asked, staring at her blankly.

She rolled her eyes and gently put Ian in Louis' arms. "Change his diaper, you idiot. And you better do it now."

"Yes, dear," he muttered and reluctantly got up to go to the changing table in the living room of Lirry's house. "Ugh. Gosh, he stinks."

"He is your son," Gemma pointed out with a laugh.

"At least I have a son. Let alone a child," Louis countered, much to everyone else's dismay.

"How dare you!" Gemma shouted, getting up from the couch. She quickly stood in front of Louis challengingly and glared darkly at him. "Take that back, Tomlinson."

Louis just blinked at her and continued to walk around her, as if she wasn't a threat. "Not my fault you don't have a child."

"Enough, Lou," Harry said firmly, eyes narrowing at his best mate's back.

"It's a choice I made years ago!" Gemma continued, following Louis to the changing table.

"And why is that?" Louis asked nonchalantly, then cooed at his son. "Who's a stinky baby? You are! Yes, you are! Like, seriously, Ian. Why do you have to stink so much when you poop?"

"Because he's a baby?" Liam replied questioningly, although he knew it was rhetorical.

Gemma just kept fuming, ignoring everyone else but Louis. Then, all of a sudden, she appeared calm and smirked at him devilishly. Liam and Harry looked at each other in concern at what Gemma could possibly be up to. Even Niall and Zayn looked nervous across from them on the other couch.

"You know what? I'm actually gonna thank you for your very unkind words," she said calmly.

Louis blinked and paused as he was changing Ian to stare at Gemma. "Really?"

"Mhm," she nodded and started walking back to the couches. "Yeah. I mean, it is my fault that I chose not to have a child, right?"

"Uh-huh..." Louis agreed cautiously, still watching Gemma.

"So... I think I'll just have one now," she stated simply, then pulled Niall to make him stand up from the couch.

He squeaked, but complied anyway; probably out of fear of Gemma. "Uh, what - W- why are you holding onto me?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Gemma asked in return with a suspicious smile that made Niall nervous and wanna pull away from her. "I'm gonna have your kid. And I want one now."

Before anyone could protest or even get a word in, Gemma grabbed Niall and rushed him up the stairs to her room. Everyone else just stared after them, before they heard a door slam shut and some muffled screams.

Unfortunately, those fear-filled screams turned into pleasure-filled moans too quickly. Niall was definitely about to enjoy himself, Liam thought with a shake of his head.

"On the contrary, it's with MY sister, and that's just so gross to me," Harry thought back with a shudder.

Liam smiled and leaned his head against Harry's shoulder. "He's quite fond of her, actually."

"That makes this even worse," Harry said wryly.

"We didn't need to know that," Louis added with a wrinkle of his nose. "Now we all know how much he's actually wanted this."

"Just be glad he didn't tell you about it," Liam retorted.

"Anyway," El steered the conversation back to the couple. "What's this I've heard about you guys having another baby?"

Harry nodded with a fond smile directed at Liam. "Yup. Can't wait for the newest addition to our family."

"Might be 'additions' instead," Zayn muttered.

Everyone else looked at him curiously, but he just shrugged.

"What? They had twins that no one even saw coming," he continued on. "Might happen again, is all I'm saying."

"That's actually... true," Louis pointed out slowly.

"Well, when we went to the doctor yesterday, she only saw one," Harry challenged.

"Didn't that happen last time, though?" Liam asked hesitantly.

Harry blinked at that, then nodded with a sigh. "I guess we'll know for sure when you have the baby."

"You... You don't have a problem with having more than one more child, right?" Liam asked softly, looking down at their intertwined hands over his belly.

"What? No, of course not, Li," Harry replied, tilting Liam's head up. "Why would you think that?"

"Cuz... you just sort of... Never mind," Liam waved it off with a small smile.

"I'm what?" the older lad asked curiously.

Liam just shook his head and stood up from the couch. Harry looked up at his questioningly, but his husband waved him off.

"I need to nap. I'm tired," Liam said softly.

"But Li - " Harry couldn't finish talking before Liam walked up the stairs and into their room.

"Awks day, right?" Louis said with a whistle.

"Yeah, yeah. Just change you child," Harry hissed back.

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