Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 

"So, you gonna go after him?" Zayn asked after Liam made his way upstairs for whatever reason.

"Uh, I honestly don't even know what to do or say," Harry said in defeat, leaning back against the couch. "I mean, I don't know why he was acting like that."

"Hormones, is all I'm saying," Louis commented as he finished changing Ian.

"Just don't mention that to Liam. He might get mad," said El and took Ian from her husband.

Harry nodded and sat up. "I don't think he believes I'm actually happy that we're having another baby. But all I've been saying to him as how happy I am, cuz I really am. I didn't think Liam was gonna get pregnant again anyway. Of course I think this is another miracle in some way."

"You just need to reassure him then," El suggested with an encouraging smile.

"Yeah. Take him out and make him feel special for having this new baby. Cuz it really is special," Louis added as he sat beside Harry. "Only lad I know that can have babies."

"I guess you're right," Harry agreed with a smile. "It's been a while since we went out."

"I wouldn't say 'a while', since you had your honeymoon just over a month ago," Zayn retorted.

The curly-haired lad snorted and said, "We deserved that since we got married, you know. And if you must know, we had an amazing time. Liam was... Wow. I would give and do anything to have him like that again."

"Ugh," Louis said in disgust. "We don't need those images while Niall and Gemma are going at it. How is Liam taking a nap now? Can't he hear them?"

"Yes, I actually can," said Liam as he slowly came down the stairs with his hands covering his ears.

"Li, come here. I want us to talk," Harry said and gestured Liam back over to the couch with him.

The younger lad took a seat beside his husband and sighed. "Before you say anything, I just wanna say I'm sorry. I didn't mean to assume you didn't want this baby. My hormones are already starting to drive me crazy, I guess."

"It's fine, love. As long as you know that I love you so much and I also love this baby already," Harry assured him.

"And now this sounds like a conversation you should both be having on your own," Louis said as he got up from the couch. "Come on, El."

"I'm coming," she snapped back, carrying Ian. "We'll see you lads next time."

"See you," the younger couple said with a smile, still looking at each other lovingly.

Louis rolled his eyes as he led El over to the door. "I know that look in their eyes. They're so horny, it's so gross."

"Psh. As if you're not like that," said El dismissively.

"Are you saying you wanna make another baby as well?" her husband said as he wiggled his eyebrows at her. "You wanna role play when we 'get it on'?"

"Honey, we ain't 'getting anything on' any time soon. I just had Ian, so forget about it," she countered and pushed him out the door.

"I guess I should get going too. I know what you both wanna do and I don't wanna hear it if it's anything like Niall and Gemma upstairs. It's such a downside to being a vampire, this 'better hearing' thing," said Zayn with a shudder.

Harry and Liam giggled at that, and the older lad picked up his husband as he made his way up the stairs. Zayn shook his head and looked away from them as he quickly walked out the door, muttering under his breath.

Once they reached the top of the stairs, Harry knocked on the door when Niall and Gemma were, still holding Liam in his arms.

"W- what do you want?" Niall stammered out as he panted loudly.

"We're not that loud, are we?" Liam asked with a wrinkle of his nose in disgust.

"No," Harry replied with a shake of his head.

"You're worse!" they heard Gemma call out, followed by a gasp and a moan.

The young couple shuddered and tried their best to erase those noises from their minds. Harry cleared his throat and called back to them.

"Just make sure to change the sheets of the bed after you're done. We don't wanna see any evidence of your... gallivanting."

"Whatever!" Gemma called back.

"Let's just go to our room. I don't wanna keep hearing them," Liam prompted, burying his face in his husband's neck.

Harry smiled and agreed, continuing to carry Liam to their room. When he got in, Liam made him put him down so he could check on their babies. Ethan and Claire were standing in their cribs and reaching out to them.

Liam smiled and made his way over, carrying both of them in his arms as he kissed their cheeks.

"Hi, babies. What's wrong?" he cooed at them.

"Daddy, Papa," Claire called out with a sniffle and tugged on Liam's hair.

"You hungry?" Liam asked, trying to soothe them.

He motioned to Harry to get the milk bottles, which his husband did and handed over Ethan to Harry. The older lad smiled and put the bottle to Ethan's mouth, making the baby smile and suck on it happily.

Claire whined at Liam to do the same to her, so Liam complied and smiled at her fondly.

"They're getting so big now," he said softly, observing their babies thoughtfully.

"I know... Next thing you know, they'll be running around breaking hearts like their Daddy," Harry commented with a sigh.

"Hey! I wasn't going around breaking hearts!" Liam protested lightly, chuckling.

"Oh, you were; trust me," Harry waved him off half-heartedly. "You just kept saying 'no' to everybody who asked you out. Until I came along; that is. Then you were all over me. Those were the days, Liam. Those were the days I miss."

Liam scoffed and turned away from him playfully. "I wasn't all over you when we met. That wasn't the way I remember it."

"Is that right?" his husband asked curiously.

"Mhm. I remember you being all over me. In fact, I remember the first time I came over to work on a project, and you actually bit me. I know you remember that too, Harold," Liam countered wryly.

"Again, those were the days, love," Harry said dreamily. "You still taste just as good, by the way."

"Whatever you say, dear creepy husband of mine," Liam retorted.

When they realized that their babies had fallen asleep in their arms during their light banter, Liam and Harry put them back in their own cribs, kissing their foreheads lightly. They then laid back in their bed, cuddling and giggling like they were a bunch of lovestruck teenagers still - Well, Liam was, in this case.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked softly against Liam's shoulder.

"Hmm?" Liam hummed, eyes fluttering closed. "Oh. I was thinking about our new baby. Do you think it'll be a boy or a girl?"

"Or both, again," Harry suggested with a soft smile. "Happened last time."

The younger of the two nodded and cuddled even closer to Harry. "True. Think we can handle that?"

"Sure, we can. We just have to be prepared. Like, buying more cribs and baby stuff. It'll be hard and crazy, but we could do it. What do you think?"

"Yeah, Harry. We can handle anything," Liam agreed with a smile.

"We'll get through this together. No matter what happens," Harry murmured before he fell asleep with Liam in his arms, as usual. "We'll always be together. I promise you, Liam. Always."

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