Chapter 25 - LAST CHAPTER!

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Chapter 25 - LAST CHAPTER OF THE SERIES - Finally!


Liam and Harry were currently running around their house, trying to get every room cleaned. Their older children and grandchildren were coming over for a family reunion, and they were staying for the weekend in their old rooms.

It's been too long since their children (minus Abby) have been in this house with them. Liam and Harry really missed their older children.

On the other hand, Abby wasn't all that happy about this 'family reunion'. This is because she's had about thirteen years of just her with her parents in the house, which brought the three of them closer. She wanted to have more time with her parents before she got married in a few months, but having her older siblings here was going to ruin that for sure. At least, that's what she thought.

"Abby, can you please help by cleaning the living room at least?" Liam asked as he was running around the house and picking up some dog toys from Abby's new puppy, Pickle; which was a chubby bulldog.

"Why? It looks clean enough to me," she countered with some attitude, stubbornly staying seated on the couch and flipping through some channels on the television.

"Excuse me? Abby Joy, we raised you better than that," Harry scolded her, stopping himself from fixing their shoes at the entrance hallway to look at her. "You will not show your Dad some attitude like that and disobey him. Get cleaning in that room."

With a dramatic sigh, Abby turned off the TV and got up from the couch. "Fine. But this room really does look clean. No lie, Papa."

"Fix the pillows on the couch, then. And there are some crumbs on the rug which weren't there before you started eating some of crisps," her Papa said sternly, standing at the entrance of the living room.

"Alright. I'm doing it," she gave in.

"And I'm pretty sure Pickle left some 'droplets' on the rug as well!" Liam called out from the stairs.

She waved him off and scolded Pickle for increasing her job at cleaning this room. The dog just whined, which made Abby scoff and give him a stern look.

"Don't give me that look, Pickle. You know better than to poop there."

"Abby, get cleaning! Your siblings and their families should be here in a few minutes!" her Dad said as he walked by the living room to head into the kitchen.

"Yeah, yeah. Cuz they're so much more important than me, right?" she breathed out in frustration.

Harry frowned and helped her fix the pillows, not wanting their youngest child to feel neglected and less favoured over their others children. She wasn't any less important than them, and Abby needed to understand that. They loved her just as much. Harry even got used to her over the years; he does indeed love her as his daughter.

"Don't say that, Abby. You know you mean a lot to me and your Dad as well."

"Really?" she questioned, roughly sweeping up the crumbs on the floor. "Cuz last time I checked, you never seemed this happy when I came back from Uni a month ago. You never even cleaned up the house, or held a party for me. All I got was a 'Welcome back!' sign and some hugs and kisses."

"That's not all we did," Harry protested, frowning even more at how upset their daughter really was about the thought of having her siblings back for only a weekend.

"Yes, it was! That's all I got from both you and  Dad! No party, no special dinner, no one else was even here but the two of you. Then here we are today, cleaning up every freaking dust  in the house for a two-day  visit from my oh-so-loved siblings. How the f*** do you think I feel, Papa?"

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