Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


"Today really is the day, huh?" Liam asked thoughtfully.

"Yeah," Harry replied, helping Ethan into his trousers. "Ethan and Claire are really starting school today, and Dylan gets to have us to himself all morning."

"Time really flies, Harry. Look at them." Liam gestured to their four-year-old twins in their school uniforms playing with their three-year-old brother. "They're all grown up now, walking on their own and starting school today. I swear Dylan already wants to go with them. You can see it in his eyes."

Harry chuckled and stood up from the ground, where he was crouched down as he helped Claire with her shoes. "Don't you dare start crying, love. They only have a half day. They'll be back by lunch."

"Sorry. I just - No! Dylan, sit back down! There's no way you're going to go school with them yet," Liam scolded their youngest child, carrying him.

"No, Daddy! Wanna go with them!" Dylan complained, reaching for his siblings.

"Li, don't suffocate him," Harry countered, taking Dylan from Liam's arms and putting him back on the ground. "Go play with Ethan and Claire. Papa's gonna talk to Daddy real quick, okay?"

Dylan nodded and walked back to Ethan and Claire by the door, where they were waiting to leave for school. Harry took Liam's hand and led him to the living room, even though the younger lad protested, wanting to stay and watch his children.

"Sit down, Li. We need to chat about how you're acting, mister," Harry commanded, pulling a reluctant Liam on his lap.

"Don't talk to me like I'm a child in trouble, Harold," Liam argued, crossing his arms as he pouted.

"You're acting like one," Harry pointed out, poking Liam's pouty lip. "Talk to me, babe. Why are you so upset?"

Liam scoffed and looked at his husband seriously. "You're kidding, right? You're not actually  asking 'why I'm upset', are you? Cuz I know  you know why! Our kids are growing up and leaving the nest before I'm even ready! Harry, they're not allowed to leave until then. So, give me like, twenty years or so."

"You're being ridiculous, love. They're not leaving 'the nest' - Wait. You actually called out home a 'nest'? It's so much better than that!" Harry said incredulously, earning a light slap on his arm.

"Who's ridiculous now?"

"Okay. But really, love. Ethan and Claire are just going to school for a half day to start kindergarten. It's not a whole day, and Dylan will be home with us for the morning. He doesn't have to go to school yet. Isn't that good?" Harry reminded him, rubbing Liam's back soothingly.

Undertsanding what Harry meant, but still panicking a bit, Liam asked, "But what about when they like, leave?"

"Psh. Li, that won't be for another couple of years. You're going too far into the future. Just think about what's happening now and enjoy it while it lasts," Harry waved off his panic.

"We're losing our kids. I know that. It's happening," Liam breathed out, looking away from Harry.

"And I lost you," Harry muttered, snapping his fingers at Liam's face. "Come on, babe. Ethan and Claire are gonna be late for school if we dont' leave now."

"I don't think that's a bad thing. Maybe they can start tomorrow instead. I think I'll be more open to the idea of them actually starting school," Liam suggested too hopefully, trying to convice Harry to agree with him.

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