Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


The Payne-Styles family was currently gathered in the living room of their house. Liam and Harry were sitting on the loveseat with Abby sitting on Liam's lap. She was playing with her pet tarantula, letting it walk on her arms and legs, giggling as its furry body passed by her.

Ethan, Claire and Dylan were sitting on the bigger couch, sprawled out as best as they could; squished together. The young men had their heads on the arm rests of the couch while they rested their feet on Claire's lap. She didn't seem to mind though, since she was already way used to having her brothers like this.

At least Abby wasn't throwing a tantrum. Ever since she had her pet tarantula for a few months now, she's been too occupied and happy with it to be a little troublemaker.

"Daddy, look at Walter! He's on your knee!" Abby exclaimed, pointing at her pet as it crawled from her leg to Liam's.

"Yes, it is, baby," Liam cooed, kissing the top of her head.

"Ugh. How can you just let it crawl  on you like that?" Harry groaned, pulling his hand from Liam's other thigh when the tarantula started crawling on it. "Oh, god. It's getting closer to me."

His husband rolled his eyes, moving the tarantula back on Abby's legs and away from Harry. "I let him crawl on me because I'm not scared of him. Walter's not doing anything to hurt you or anyone else here. Just let Abby play with him and let the spider crawl wherever he wants."

"You won't even let me touch  you anywhere like that," the curly-haired man grumbled as he eyed the tarantula darkly. "Yo, Walter. You better not crawl anywhere Liam won't let me touch as often as I'd like. Find your own husband or wife. Whichever you please."

"Oh, gosh," Claire and Dylan gagged, covering their mouths.

"Dad, it's still not right," Ethan said from the other couch. "And I can't believe she named it 'Walter' of all names."

"Would you rather she change it back to your name?" Liam countered with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "Cuz she still can. Abby can name her pet whatever she wants."

The oldest teen squawked in protest, sitting up as he waved his hands in protest. "NO! No, don't change it back! Just keep it as 'Walter'! Please!"

"I like Walter," Abby said defensively, holding her pet closer.

"Yeah, we know, Abby," Dylan mumbled tiredly, letting out a heavy sigh. "Guys, I'm so bored. We need to do something fun as a family. It's been so long since we played any family games together."

"You're right, Dyl. We should do something as a family. I am getting married in a month, you know," Claire agreed, looking at their parents.

Liam looked at Harry, who looked back at him with a shrug. The younger father let out a sigh for his husband's 'un-helpfulness', turning back to their older children. He gave it a thought, wanting to think of something productive they could do as a family, because Dylan and Claire were right - they need more family time.

"Why don't we have a 'family game night' then?" he suggested eventually.

"Don't you mean 'family game  night'?" Harry added with a wink at Liam, putting an arm around the other's waist. "If you know what I actually  mean, love."

"Ew, Papa!" Claire protested.

"We don't wanna have some 'incestual  family game night'. That's so wrong," Ethan groaned, laying back down. "You really are addicted to sex with Dad, aren't you, Papa?"

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