Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"Ugh! I can't do it! There's so much poop  from all three of them!" Dylan cried out, gagging as he tried, but failed, to change his children's diapers.

"Well, don't waste the clean diapers, Dylan!" Maddy scolded him after he gagged and threw the 'un-used' diaper on the floor. "It's not even that hard. Just wipe their bums clean with some baby wipes, then put on a clean diaper; that's it."

"Easy for you to say. Clearly you have no problem with anything they do, since you gave birth  to them."

Harry chuckled at that as he walked into the living room with a bowl of crisps. "Describes exactly how I felt when your Dad gave birth to the twins. He was never phased with what came out of them."

"That's so gross and unnecessary, Papa," Claire commented in disgust from the couch.

"It was yours and Ethan's poop, Claire. You should be grateful your Dad didn't mind changing any of you," Harry countered with a smirk, taking a seat beside her.

"At least he didn't drop you," Dylan muttered, trying to help Maddy change their children's diapers. "I mean, I'm totally fine with who I am, but did I at least cry or something when you dropped me, Papa? And did you pick me up right after? You should have just caught me, being a vampire with fast reflexes."

Groaning at the reminder of his mistake, Harry said, "Can't you just let it go? That was so long ago and you just said you accepted who you are."

"But when you dropped him, he cried, right? Cuz if he didn't, I'm pretty sure Dylan would've been dead," Claire noted.

"Well, he's alive, isn't he? And he's fine, so let's just drop this subject," her Papa argued. "Dylan, you are a crazy, unique, and wonderful son of mine. You should be very proud of yourself, cuz someone out there is. Someone."

The teen raised an eyebrow back at Harry, but shook his head instead of responding. Claire laughed, elbowing her Dad, saying, "Oh, Papa. You're  unique and wonderful too."

"Thanks, sweetie," Harry replied, then stuck his tongue out at her.

"FINALLY!" Dylan exclaimed suddenly, raising his arms up in triumph. "They're all changed thanks to me."

"You did nothing  whatsoever, Dylan. Stop trying to take credit for all my hard work," Maddy retorted.

Liam and Ethan walked into the living room then, taking a seat on the couch with Harry and Claire. The older father wrapped an arm around Liam's shoulders, pulling him closer and kissing his cheek affectionately. The twins rolled their eyes at their parents, still not used to their PDA.

"You two are like a couple of loved up teenagers," Claire commented with a wrinkle of her nose.

"They're worse than any of us when we're with our girlfriends and your 'fiance', Claire," Ethan added, trying not to gag.

"The only time you and your 'lovers' can be this affectionate is when you're married," Harry said sternly, giving his children a look. "So if I ever see any of you touching, groping, holding, or whatever else you think you can do without me seeing when you all know you shouldn't, you're getting it."

"What exactly are we 'getting'?" his daughter questioned, earning a glare from Harry.

Liam chuckled and pinched Harry's cheek. "What your Papa means is that you shouldn't get too... affectionate and 'touchy-feely' with your girlfriend or boyfriend until you're married."

"Dylan already broke that, though. Is he gonna  'get it' now?" Ethan pointed out with a chuckle.

"Don't test me, boy," Harry threatened, getting an elbow to the gut from his husband.

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