Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 

*This chapter is dedicated to @LiamsSpoonaphobia! She's been leaving greatly appreciate comments on this story, which I absolutely love getting!

I love getting comments on my stories, so please feel free to leave as many as you want!* x 

"Okay, fine! It was you,  Dylan," Harry replied reluctantly.

There was a silence that fell into the room as everyone else looked at the youngest boy, waiting for his reaction. Harry felt sick to his stomach, feeling guilty about that one time  it happened, and it just had to happen to his youngest son.

"So, you dropped  me?" Dylan finally spoke, looking up at his Papa. "Like, on my head?"

"Explains a lot," Ethan muttered, earning an elbow to his side from Claire.

"Dyl, I didn't mean too! I swear!" Harry said desperately, hoping his youngest son wouldn't hate him for that mistake.

The boy tilted his head to the side, thinking over everything. Then, with a shrug, he took Abby from Claire's arms carefully and gently rocked her. Liam and Harry gaped at him, wondering what was going on in his head at the moment. But the boy just smiled back at them and walked to the other side of the bed, towards Harry.

"Papa, I'm not mad at you," he said brightly. "Just - Can you do something for me?"

"Sure. Anything," Harry responded quickly, looking down at Liam briefly.

"Drop Abby too. Let's see if she'll be anything like me when she's older," Dylan suggested as he handed over the newborn baby.

"DYLAN!" the rest of the family scolded him in unison.

He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest with a huff. "Well, it's only fair, since I  was the only one Papa dropped. I mean, I'm the cute one! Was dropping me the effect of my cuteness and evident perfection?"

"That's not the effect we're wondering about," Ethan commented with a chuckle.

"What Ethan means is... Maybe that's the reason why you're - Well, why you act more like Uncle Louis than anything, really," Claire added hesitantly.

"Does that mean I'm really uncle Louis' son after all?" Dylan asked excitedly.

"Probably. I didn't even know about their little affair," Harry grumbled under his breath, rocking Abby back to sleep.

Liam sighed and pinched Harry's side. "I never cheated on you with anyone; especially not Louis. You're  my husband and I will always love you. There's no way I could ever cheat on you, honey. Absolutely no way. And plus, Louis isn't my type."

"Well, that's hurtful to hear," Louis said in fake offense as he entered the room with Eleanor and their kids. "Surprise!"

"Louis? Eleanor? What are all of you doing here?" Liam asked in confusion.

"Guess what? We practically had twins today, Liam!" El said brightly, walking over to the bed. "What I mean is - We had our babies on the same exact day!"

"You're kidding," Harry said through gritted teeth.

The Tomlinsons shook their heads, smiling back at the Payne-Styles family. "Nope!"

"You see, our newborn son was also born today! His name is Nathan Cole," Louis stated proudly, gesturing to the baby in his wife's arms. "I came up with that name, believe it or not. I really am fabulous, aren't I?"

"I have  to be his son," Dylan whispered in a daze.

Claire sighed and waved a hand in front of his face to get him back to earth. "Um, Uncle Louis, we didn't know you and Aunt El were even having another baby."

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