Chapter 6 (NEW)

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Chapter 6 (NEW)

*A/N: So, thanxz to @Xx1dLoVeEr24Xx, I've decided to write this chapter before the one I just posted as Chapter 6. Basically, this will be the NEW Chapter 6, taking place BEFORE the 'old' Chapter 6 (which will now be known as Chapter 7).

This chapter will give you more information before and after Harry turns Liam into a vampire! I'm sorry for not doing it before, since I couldn't really come up with a good enough way to write it. But tried my best with this chapter, so I hope you like it and appreciate my effort.

YOU ARE ALL VERY WELCOME, by the way! <3* x 


"So, when are you planning to turn Liam into a vampire?" Louis asked as he watched Ian play with Ethan and Claire on the floor of the living room.

"Honestly, I have no idea," Harry replied with a heavy sigh, holding a sleeping Dylan in his arms.

"Uh, why is that?" the older lad wondered, looking over at Harry. "Haven't you two already talked about it and agreed on some date. Change of plans or one of you chickened out?"

The curly-haired lad looked up from Dylan and looked at his best mate/'cousin'. "We did agree on it before. But then Liam got pregnant again, so we had to wait until after... Don't give me that look. I know it's already been a month since Dylan was born. We both know that."

"Then what's the hold up?"

"... Well, I don't think Liam... wants to be a vampire anymore," Harry admitted, frowning unintentionally.

Louis raised an eyebrow and gave Harry a doubtful look. "He told you that? Or you just assumed? You know how that makes you sound to me, right? An as- "

"No, Lou. You don't get it. Like, I swear he doesn't want to. He didn't have to tell me, okay?" Harry said in frustration. "I can just tell. Every time I brought it up, he always changed the subject or just avoided me."

"Have you at least asked him about it?"

"Don't know if I can. I mean, I don't want to make him upset or anything if I keep asking about it. Maybe he just doesn't wanna live forever with me like I thought," Harry concluded sadly.

The blue-eyed lad rolled his eyes at Harry's sadness and decided to just call the other person important for this conversation. I mean, it was their problem and Louis' practically the one to fix it, because he cares. However lame that sounds.

"LIAM PAYNE-STYLES! Get in the living room right now! Your husband's crying his eyes out!"

"Lou! You can't just - I'm not even crying!" Harry protested, eyes wide.

"Shut up. Your 'beloved' is coming in here to fix everything," Louis countered, then muttered under his breath, "Hopefully."

Just then, Liam came walking in the living room from the kitchen. He had a ball that Milo and Nyko play with in his hand, which he decided to throw at Louis for being so loud. Dylan was right there, sleeping in Harry's arms, for goodness' sake!

"No need to be violent, Payno," Louis argued, catching the ball easily.

"Shut it. You're gonna wake up Dylan if you keep yelling," Liam hissed back at him. "Why were even yelling at me to come here? Harry's not even crying."

"That's what I said," Harry muttered, kicking Louis' shin.

"Hush, Styles. Listen up, Liam. The reason why I called you in here is because I wanted to discuss why you won't let Harry over here turn you into one of us? I mean, I thought you loved him? So why don't you wanna be one with him, like, 'forever and ever'?"

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