Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 


"You're what?!" Harry exclaimed, eyes wide in clear shock.

"Claire, you can't be serious, right?" Liam asked, holding onto his husband's hand.

"Oh, I am, Dad," their daughter replied simply, rolling her eyes when Harry practically choked and looked as if he was having a heart attack. Like that  was possible. He's a vampire and his heart stopped working years  ago. Many  years ago.

The boys walked into the living room then, looking between their parents and Claire sitting beside Tim in confusion. Had to be some big  news since their Papa was like that.

"What's with all the exclamations?" Ethan asked, taking a seat on the couch beside Harry.

"Did you finally tell them about your engagement to Tim?" Dylan asked nonchalantly, sitting beside Liam. "Hey, Tim. When are you gonna make me an uncle and our parents grandparents? Just to let you know, they're not looking forward for that day."

Claire scolded him and squeezed Tim's hand reassuringly. "First of all, I'm not pregnant. That's not the reason why Tim and I are engaged. And secondly, everything will be fine for the wedding."

"How do you  know? You're only nineteen, Claire! Nineteen! You're too young to get married!" Harry cried out, standing up now.

"Is this some kind of April Fools' joke or something? Cuz this is too much to take in right now," Liam stated, feeling slightly lightheaded from the news of his oldest daughter's engagement. "I feel faint, Harry. This can't be happening."

"I doubt this is an April Fools' joke, Dad. It's not even April anymore," Dylan said with a snort.

Harry wrapped a comforting arm around Liam's shoulders, but kept on glaring at the young couple across from them.

"Claire, I will not let you get married at this age," Harry said sternly.

"We wouldn't be getting married this year, Mr. Styles. Most likely next year," Tim said hesitantly.

"I'll be twenty by then, Papa," Claire added, smiling at her so-called 'fiance'. "Plus, I'll still be older than when Dad got married to you."

Liam sputtered at that, feeling himself blush from embarrassment. Of course she would bring up THAT up!  he thought in frustration. "That was your Papa's fault! I mean, he did knock me up when I was sixteen, then he wanted to marry me right after."

"You still married him at seventeen, though," Claire pointed out.

"Doesn't mean you have to follow our bad example!" Liam countered.

"Um, excuse me, Liam. Us getting married is not a 'bad example'. Need I remind you that you  married me,  your loving and very handsome husband eagerly?" Harry cut in, feeling dramatically offended by his husband's claim. "How dare you dismiss our love like that. I mean, you had my children, so it was only reasonable to get married after."

Ethan and Dylan snickered then, covering their mouths so they wouldn't interrupt their parents 'argument', if you can call it that. They just found it amusing.

"I didn't ask  you to knock me up at sixteen, Harold!" Liam retorted.

"Liam, it's not like I planned that to happen!" Harry returned. "But I'm definitely not gonna apologize for my sperm working properly. We got twins after that, anyway! And beside, you weren't complaining when I f***ed you all those times before."

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