Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

"You grounded all of them?" Karen asked, looking between the young married coupl worriedly.

"All because they're growing up?" Anne continued, putting a hand to her temple and rubbing. "You both do realize how silly that sounds, right?"

"Anne, with all due respect, it's the only way!" Liam exclaimed desperately.

Harry rubbed his back soothingly and said, "Mum, Karen, please hear us out. Yes, they're all growing up, which is clearly a big issue to us. But, what they're doing has us all... worried. Like, what do you mean Dylan has a girlfriend?"

"Who he broke up with today, apparently," Liam added, sighing heavily.

"Why did he break up with her?" Anne asked, looking confused.

"Aww! Little Dylan has a girlfriend?" Karen squealed, squeezing Anne's hand lightly. "That's so sweet!"

"Had, Mum. He had a girlfriend. He decided he just had to break up with her because, and I quote, 'she's too clingy'. How does he even know what 'clingy' is about a girl?" Liam said incredulously.

Karen waved him off and smiled proudly, turning towards the other mum. "Anne, one of our grandsons had a girlfriend already! They grow up so fast, huh?"

"Exactly! That's what we're having trouble accepting," said Harry.

"Well, you both need to accept that your kids are now young teenagers, which you both were back then. Don't be hypocritical about it, since you two had the twins at a young age and you were unmarried," Anne said sternly, eyeing them.

"But we didn't have them at their age!" Liam argued. "What if that happens?! It can't happen, Anne! I won't be able to handle being a grandfather now! We're still youn- Well, I'm still young."

His husband sputtered and protested against that. "Hey! I'm not that old!"

"You're over a hundred years old! That's considered old, okay? Get over yourself, Harold! This is about our children now!" Liam spat at him.

"Well, if you were nicer about it... " Harry muttered, crossing his arms over his chest with a pout.

Their mothers sighed and patted their own son's shoulder. Liam leaned into his mum hand and let her comfort him. Harry eyed his mum curiously, wondering what she was about to say, because clearly she was.

"Just say it, Mum. We're adults who can take it," Harry murmured.

"I was just gonna say, you both need to take it easy on your children. They're going through puberty right now and both of you protesting against them growing up is just gonna make them rebel against you even more," Anne said gently.

"Like that's news," her son scoffed. "Pretty sure Claire's taken a liking to rebelling against me all the time anyway."

Karen smiled at him and added, "She's probably nervous about that date she wants to go on."

"Which she won't be going on," Liam chimed in.

"Yes, she will. You are both going to let her go on that date," Anne retorted. "What do you think they'll do on their date anyway? They're fourteen, so they'll probably go to an arcade or something else that's fun."

"Tim better not take her there," Harry grumbled. "She deserves better than an 'arcade' where he'll probably let her win purposely to get her to like him better."

"Might just make her feel more inferior, really. Then she might leave him cuz she's too good for boys." Liam added.

Anne shook her head in defeat, looking to Karen for help. Liam's mother smiled back at her, then looked at the couple sternly. "So, is that a 'yes' on letting your daughter go on her very first date with that boy?"

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