Chapter 20

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Chapter 20 

"Please tell me you're finally done 'baby shopping' with Dylan and Maddy," Harry said desperately to his husband, who finally came back from his shopping trip with Abby in his arms.

"Yeah, Dad. Their baby isn't even born yet," Claire pointed out.

"I just needed to make sure they have everything they need for when the baby is born," Liam informed them, putting Abby down on the floor to run off into the living room. "Hi, to you too, family. Glad you're all so happy to see me come back."

Harry smiled and pulled him in for a hug and kiss. Liam kissed back, wrapping his arms around the other's neck. "I missed you. You've been so busy with Dyl and Maddy lately."

"Sorry about that. I wanted Dylan to be prepared for this, cuz well, he's Dylan," Liam claimed.

"True. At least he has a good role model helping him," the older man said, dipping his head down to kiss Liam's neck.

Suddenly, there was some yelling in the living room, making Liam pull away from his husband to check it out. Harry groaned and pulled Liam back, wrapping his arms around the younger man's waist possessively.

"Just let them handle it," he murmured, pecking Liam's lips.

"Abby, just let us finish watching this show before you watch yours!" Claire cried out from the living room.

"I wanna watch now, poopy head!" the little girl shouted back, pulling at the remote again.

"You should've left her at the store," Harry muttered as Liam started pulling him to the living room to stop the chaos in there.

The brown-eyed man gave Harry a glare for saying that about their youngest child, but didn't say anything. When they walked into the living room, Abby was being held back by Ethan as the little girl tried grabbing at the remote from Claire. Abby cried out in protest, kicking back at Ethan unsuccessfully and pulling at her big sister's hair when she got a hold of it.

"Abby! Don't pull at our sister's hair!" Liam scolded her, running over to pull her from the twins.

"See, Liam? I told you she wasn't as innocent as you think," Harry stated, checking on Claire as she rubbed her head from her hair being pulled.

"Fine. She isn't exactly an angel," Liam finally admitted in defeat, putting Abby on the floor and narrowing his eyes at her. "Abby Joy, you are in very big trouble. You know better than to hurt your siblings like that."

Instead of snapping back at her Dad, Abby's eyes started watering and she hugged Liam's legs dramatically. The twins and Harry rolled their eyes, knowing how good of an actress she is.

"Daddy, I sorry. But I always be good now," she said with a pout.

"Liam, don't you dare fall for that. She's just a really good actress, that one," Harry said to his husband sternly.

"But she looks so sad and cute when she's crying. I can't get mad at her," Liam returned, looking down at his youngest child hugging his legs. "Look at her face, Harry. You can't look at this and still be mad at her."

"Be strong, Dad. She's manipulated you more than enough times, that little devil," Ethan added.

Abby pulled away Liam's legs slightly to glare at her eldest brother. But the teen just scoffed and gestured at Liam, who saw the look his daughter was giving his son. WIth a sigh, he picked up Abby, who whined and tried to reach out to Ethan, probably to hurt him for getting her in more trouble.

"Please tell me you saw that, Dad?" Claire said urgently to Liam.

"Yes, I do," Liam admitted with a frown, looking at Abby sternly. "You are going into time-out in your room, okay? You need to learn how to be good to your siblings, Abby."

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