Bring Me to Life

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Summary: Emil never counts how many days have passed. They spend every day together. As long as Leon is here, he'll keep him alive and safe.

Human AU. Zombie Apocalypse.

Inspired by the movie Warm Bodies :)

Main pairing: Emil/Leon

Mentioned/Hinted pairings: Lukas/Mathias, Berwald/Tino, Ivan/Yao


He is starving.

His stomach never growls. But there is always this tormenting wave of hunger. He can just feel it.

The craving. The immense need. Thirst.

He is too pale. His brother always says. Even when they were still alive, he would urge him to eat more and do some exercise. Be healthy. Don't walk with that terrible posture. That's what he's doing at the moment. He hunches like an old man. All the energy is drained. Occasionally a grunt escapes his mouth. His arms sway beside him. His face is pallid and dry. His eyes are sunken. His lips are almost as white as his unkempt hair.

He totters towards a table in the cafeteria. He wanders in the airport alongside his companions. There are many of them. They roam the place. Never spill a word. They all look pretty much the same. With hollow eyes and ashen skin. They wobble and stumble. They communicate by exchanging groans and grunts.

He doesn't remember his name. It starts with an "E" though. That's all he can tell. His brother is called L. His eyes are blue. Dull and void. He wears a cross barrette in his light blond hair. He is slightly taller than him. His brother's boyfriend is M. He looks better than all the others, probably because he used to be a cheerful outdoor person. His hair is spiky and his eyes are of a darker blue. Drooping. Still hollow. They have two more friends named B and T. B wears glasses and is the tallest in their group. T is smaller and has a rounder face. He still wears his white hat.

Time ceases on their side. Every day is just the same. They never sleep. E wanders around with his brother and friends. They go for hunts together. There are various types of them. Some are more aggressive and prone to hunger. Less human and more bestial in that sense. Some are impassive and they simply let the days roll on. Some feed when they're in need. Some hunt whenever they see a prey.

E has eaten a human brain before. When they consume a part of a living body, they gain access to their memories and feelings. The last one he ate was a teenage girl. She was already bitten when he found her. He cracked open her brain out of curiosity and tasted it. All the images came flooding him, like a flowing river. He lived through her memories and learnt that she was a high school girl. She got separated from her family during their escape.

He has never tried a heart before. L has. And from what he hears from his brother, a human's beating heart grants them emotions. Even if it's just a spontaneous thing, it feels incredible. It's as if they're alive again.

E wants a brain. He's forgotten most of his past. He wants someone warm to cradle, to live through. And maybe to make him feel rejuvenated again.

He turns to his brother and groans.

"I wanna go out."

L stares at E nonchalantly and grunts back.

"You wanna hunt?"

E nods.

M suddenly stands up and slams the table, startling a couple of Things around them. B and T look up at him.

"So you're not the only one!" M tries to grin, but it never shows. They can sense the eagerness in his groan though.

", maybe," E groans timidly.

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