Chapter 3: the war begins

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Sabrina had put the hood of her school robe on as she walked through the hallway. Unfortunately, she ran into Professor McGonagall in the hallway on her way to lunch. " ms. Grimm, I would like you to pull your hood down. Hoods are only allowed outside." McGonagall told Sabrina sternly. Sabrina pulled her hood down revealing her hair. "Why, what on earth happened to you hair child?" " I fell asleep in the common room after having a bad dream. Puck dyed my hair in my sleep. Not the first this has happened." I said with a sigh. "We have no rules against pranking unless someone is harmed nor do we have rules against dyed hair. I'm sorry, ms. Grimm, there is nothing I can do." "I know Professor McGonagall, when I can't sleep, I read and I re read the school handbook last night. Have a wonderful rest of your day." I said glumly. I walked to lunch with my head down. I saw some people staring but I ignored them. I sat down with rose, lily, Diantha, puck, Hugo (roses brother.) James, a few more of pucks friends. When I sat down, Puck was telling his friends about his chimpanzee army. I was disappointed when he found out he wasn't allowed to bring them. Rose and Hugo were already down at breakfast and didn't see my hair. Rose looked up from her book and gasped. This grabbed puck and his friends attention and Hugo's jaw dropped onto the floor. "Oh dear what happened to your hair?!" Rose said. "It looks good on you, if it makes you feel better." Hugo said with a week smile. I smiled back at Hugo and turned my attention to puck. "I will get you back for this..." I glared at puck. He just smirked. "I shall forever be on high alert, not today Grimm!" He said pointing at me. I just smirked, "set all the boobytraps you want, they don't call me the queen of sneaks for nothing." He frowned. "I will call my minions and we'll see who's laughing." My smirk just got wider. " you have an army of pixies and have no idea how to coordinate them, not to mention. I organized an army and saved your butt, something not even Robin Hood could do... hit me with your best shot. Oh, and did I say your "minions" are half way across the world... such a shame." I said and went back to eating my breakfast. After everyone finished eating, we went to our classes. Hugo, lily, and Daphne have the same classes but are separate from us because of our age. Puck and I's schedule was the EXACT SAME! But only one of my classes was completely alone with puck. Classes went great! I did fantastic in charms and DATDA (defense against the dark arts) and puck was great at potions and herbology. Him being great at herbology didn't surprise me, but being good at potions did worry me. We were lab partners and he actually payed attention. I was quite shocked as well. I found a creepy note in my book while looking for page 394 in my potions book. "Look out little one" it read. I shrugged it off as puck trying to get in my head.  All three of us (Daphne puck and I) met up in the common room after classes were over. We did our homework- let me rephrase that, Daphne and I did our homework while Puck copied. Diantha dragged puck and I off for a sport after we finished our homework. Apparently, it's called quidditch. ( y'all already know what quidditch is so I'm not going to explain it.) Diantha, who is apparently the captain said I could try out for seeker. "By what I have seen between you and puck fighting, you have great reflexes and sharp eyesight. Puck, you could try out for beater, you like hitting things I presume?" "Yeah! Let's go hit something!" "Wait until the game starts. Since most of our team left last year, we are looking for a seaker, beater, and two chasers. You four are playing with us while the other 7 can figure out what positions you want to play." Katie and mike, two others in the Gryffindor House, played our chasers. I was surprised at how well I was able to catch the snitch... years of training come in handy. Riding on a broom was something to get used to, but I managed to gain control. After about 4 games, it was time to go for dinner. I still hadn't planned the perfect prank for puck, but during dinner I came up with a plan so perfect, it shocked me. After dinner I waited for everyone to be asleep. I snuck out and put my ear to the door of the boys dormitory. I could here all of the boys snoring, which meant it was time for action. As quietly as I could, I found pucks book bag and using Pinocchio's glue, I stuck every one of his books to the wall. I wore gloves just in case, but when all books were stuck to the wall, I quietly left.
The next morning I woke up, got dressed, and went to the common room. I waited for all the boys to come out, and one by one they filed out of the room. Two of pucks friends that I didn't know high fives me. Finally, a laughing puck came out of his dormitory.
"Good one, Grimm. Now where is the reversal solution?" This time, it was my turn to laugh. I tossed him a small paper scroll and he sent me questioning look.
"Your lucky in somewhat nice. Those are the ingredients list, hope you can find them all in time for class!" I said as I walked out of the common room. I got to breakfast and saw Daphne and her friends. When she saw the smirk on my face, she immediately frowned.
"Sabrina grimm, I know that look, what did you do?" I gave her a fake innocent look.
"Why whatever do you mean?" She raised an eyebrow at me and I burst into laughter.
"Okay okay, you caught me. Remember Pinocchio's glue? Let's just say pucks gonna have a hard time getting his books off the wall."
Her eyes went wide. And she frowned at me.
"You didn't?" She said. Lily gave us a questioning look.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, turn time back a couple of years when we were in the war of ever after. Pinocchio made these special marionettes out of this special glue, use it and whatever you glued together is stuck for a year without the reversal. I used Pinocchio's glue and stuck pucks books to the wall. Don't worry, I gave him the reversal... recipe." Daphne and Lily's eyes went wider. I just laughed.
"Besides, puck probably has half of the ingredients in his bag." Puck then walked through the door with a big smirk. He had his book bag in one of his hands.
"Okay, I've gotta admit, that was a good one Grimm. I probably deserved that."
"PROBABLY?!" I yelled and pointed to my red and yellow hair. He just laughed.
"You know I'm gonna have to get you back right?" "I'd like to see you try!" He sat down next to me. "I'm surprised he acted so professional about it... maybe he's grown up." I thought. I looked over and slapped his hand before he reached into the oatmeal bowl with his bare hands. Reluctantly, he used a spoon. "Maybe not..."
During transfiguration, Sabrina reached into her bag for a quill, paper and ink. She got everything out and on her paper, there was a red hand print with the words, "were coming!" Okay, I'd pick left the last note, he's gone to far. I turned to puck with a frown.
" seriously puck! This has gone to far!" He looked at me with a confused look.
"What has?" I waved the paper in his face. His eyes got wide I swear I saw worry.
"Where did you get this?! This is serious!" I rolled my eyes.
"Don't play dumb! I know you put this and the other one in my bag!" He gave me a serious look,
"There has been others?! Why didn't you tell me! I didn't do this! I can barely spell cat, you think I did this?!" I thought about it... he was right. He can't spell little, or coming! A look of worry waved onto my face.
"You didn't write this! Oh no..." I reached into my bag and pulled out the other note and handed it to him. He read it with a little trouble .
"It says little one, your 14 now... do you think this was meant for Daphne? She's still 10."
"Maybe... after classes, let's ask Daphne if she has had any notes." I said. Puck looked at me with a questioning look.
"Are you sure? Maybe we shouldn't tell Daphne. It could stress her out if she thinks someone is after her. She has all her classes to worry about as it is." I thought about it but I remembered all the times Daphne yelled at me for not including her.
" no. We have to tell her. Remember when she would be mad at me for not including her? She would react the same way now. That, and she needs to be alert if someone is after her... we also have to figure out why someone is doing this. We don't even know if it's her their after."
"Your right. But didn't we already defeat the scarlet hand? What would they want now? No one here knows about the scarlet hand. Not even the potters know. I think that our prank wars needs the be put on hold while we solve this." I was shocked. Puck calling a pause to the prank wars? I looked at his face. He was dead serious.
"Your right. We don't need any distractions right now." The bell rung signaling the end of class.
"Your homework is on page 125! Write a report about your findings." Professor McGonagall shouted as everyone packed up their stuff. Transfiguration was our last period for today, so we searched for Daphne. We finally found her outside doing her homework with lily. She looked at the worried look on her faces and asked, "what's wrong?" I handed her the papers and she bit her bottom lip.
"The scarlet hands after you? What are we going to do?"
" I don't think there After Sabrina," puck said, "I think there after you." He eyes glazed over and held back her tears.
" on the first paper it said "look out little one" we think that message was for you. We aren't 100% sure, but it looks like we have another case..." lily grabbed the papers from off the ground. She had a confused look, "who's coming?" Daphne and I shared a look. She nodded her head.
"The scarlet hand." I said.

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