Chapter 14: when will my reflection show...

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 "YES!" Jake shouted out, earning a shush from the librarian.

"What is it?" Sabrina asked. Everyone got up and walked to stand around jake as he pointed to a certain area of the map.

"A little ways past hogsmeade, there's a ghost town, tourists will sometimes stop by there but besides that, its empty." Sabrina nodded,

"That sounds like something we should check out, i'll go tell puck and the others." she ran out of the library and spread down towards the grounds where the others were about to go off on another escapade. "Guys!" she yelled as she ran towards them. They turned towards her.

"Whats up, Grimm?" puck jogged to meet her half way.

"Jake found a place, its an abandoned-"

"Look out-" CRASH!

"Sabrina! Puck!" Daphne ran towards them. Puck was knelt down, covered in shattered glass, but it was Sabrina who took most of the damage. Puck started to dig through the ruins searching for sabrina, cutting up his hands and arms in the process. Daphne was about to help him, when Ron came up and grabbed her. The others started searching through as well, and they soon found sabrina and they levitated her and rushed her to the infirmary.

"How can i- oh dear!" they set her down gently on the bed and Another nurse came over and sat puck down on a bed as well. The others were rushed out of the room. They sent Harry to go inform longbottom of what happened and they sent Ron to go and tell the others that were still in the library. There was a long silence, before Daphne broke it,

"What dropped on my sister?" george walked over and picked up a large glass shards that dropped when they were bringing sabrina over. He looked into the reflective surface before turning it, and Daphne's own tear-filled eyes stared back at her.

"I-its a... mirror..." the rest of team library ran in

"Where's 'Brina?" jake said, panicked. "Is she okay? I should've been the one to deliver the information, oh god, is she okay?!"

"Calm down, mate. Panicking won't help sabrina." Aurthur said, placing a hand on jake's shoulder. Daphne grabbed the mirror shard and held it up in front of jake, he stared into it.

"It wouldn't have helped if you were the one to come, uncle jake, their target was sabrina."

"They're taunting us now." he said as he took the mirror from daphne. "What mirror was this? Was it a magic mirror?"

"We don't know, it was just this large mirror that dropped from the observatory." Harry and neville ran in that second, and Harry was carrying a large piece of wood in his hand. He held it up and they all looked at him confused.

"Its gibberish"

"No its not" he took the mirror shard from Jake and held it up opposite of the piece of framing. George walked over and read it through the mirror. " I show not your face but your heart's desire..." harry looked at ron

"It was the mirror of erised." Ron and Hermione's eyes widened.

"That old mirror from first year?" Harry nodded

"Another magic mirror?" relda asked.

"Im sorry, what do you mean by 'another?'" asked george

"Back in the last everafter war, mirror, the guy in the magic mirror, shattered all of the mirrors in the council of mirrors, which is a giant room filled with the evil queens magic mirrors, and a shard of the mirror got imbedded into sabrina's arm so deep, that they couldn't get it out. During our last fight with mirror, though, sabrina was able to burn it out by using as much of the magic inside of the shard as possible. They're target was sabrina, they're trying to get into our heads." just then, the nurses head popped out of the door,

"We got out as much of the mirror as possible, there was one piece of glass stuck quite far in her stomach, we put a spell on it so that for now, it won't hurt her, and the piece of glass should deteriorate by at least the end of the week. You can see them now." they murmured thank yous and they walked in. puck was sitting in a chair next to sabrina's bed, he had bandages wrapped around his arms. He looked up to them and he locked eyes with harry, who held up the piece of mirror he had in his hand. He sighed and held up his piece of mirror as well.

"When Sabrina gets better, were gonna beat the scarlet hands as-"

"Okay, I know you're angry, but we don't use that kind of language." 

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