Chapter 7: merry christmas to all

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Christmas at the Grimm house is frantic as is... but when you bring 2 friends, 2 parents, an uncle and a trickster king, you end with a total of 12 people and utter chaos. The family did a secret Santa because getting 10 separate people gifts always ends in dept. Sabrina got granny Relda and she already knew what to get her.

Granny Relda has a different style of cooking which involves a different style of ingredients. She went through her pantry and found some ingredients she was running out of or already ran out of. She found the supplies and enough of them to last for at least 2 years. It was quite a lot but it was perfect for granny Relda.

For Diantha, she got her a charm bracelet with a variety of charms reminding her of the different memories they shared. A caldron for that time they accidentally blew up a potion in Slughorns class. A bird for the time Sabrina brought her to the park this Christmas to feed the birds and Diantha spilled the bird feed all over Sabrina and the birds attacked her. A letter for the time granny Relda sent her a howler for sneaking into the restricted section of the library and getting caught with Diantha. A boxing glove charm for the time Sabrina found out about Dianthas past with illegal boxing fights. She had a brush for when Diantha found out about her metamorphagus Powers. A ship for a certain you-know-who... not Voldemort, but someone Diantha is quite fond of. Of course, she put a D for Diantha, and she left lots of room so she could get her more charms for more memories they will share.

She didn't know what to get peter, not knowing him for long, so she got him a pair of tennis shoes.

She got Bella a set of soft balls and a bat, before Sabrina left for Hogwarts, Bella told her she always wanted to play soft ball.

For Toby, some video games he would never stop talking about.

For Blythe, some books. Blythe is very shy and enjoys reading more than she likes human interaction.

The day of Christmas, Diantha came over without peter. "Him and the lost boys have a Christmas tradition where they celebrate Christmas together every year."

"Good riddance!" Puck muttered. Diantha hit him over the head with the paper she was holding, "I got your family some Christmas cards, I wasn't very sure what to get them..." she said sheepishly as she handed out the papers she was holding, "thank you liebling." Granny Relda said as she opened the card.

"Here! I know you like charms so I got you this book on pranking charms while in hogsmeade. Hey daph, you like unicorns right? I hope you like this!" She handed daphne a unicorn doll.

Daphne's eyes lit up, "thank you D!" Diantha smirks, "set it on the ground." Daphne did as told and as soon as it touched the ground, it galloped across the room. Daphne squealed in excitement and bit her palm. Diantha picked the unicorn up and it stopped its galloping. She handed the toy back to daphne. Daphne set the toy in a box and ran into dianthas arms, "your like my other sister!" Daphne said.

I could see Diantha start to tear up at the comment, but didn't spill any tears. They are so cute, someday Diantha will make a great mother. "Thanks daph, and finally puck... I didn't want to get you anything too dangerous or mischievous, so I hope you like this." She handed him a box. He opened the box and inside a mirror, "thanks diantha, I never get to look at my self enough."

He smiles genuinely and Diantha laughs, " it's not an ordinary mirror, ask it about any one and any time... ask it about Harry Potter, 1991." She said. He nodded and said, "show me Harry Potter, 1991"

the mirror swirled and a young harry was shown in a compartment with a red head with dirt on his nose. "Hey, it's the guy that let us stay at his house!" "Do you like it?" Diantha asks nervously, "well duh! I could watch my chimp army or my minions through here!" She smiles and releases a breath.

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