Chapter 5: since when can she fight?

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Sabrina met up with peter and diantha again. Peter found an old and abandoned hollowed out tree and dug under the tree to make it a shelter, "its not that much now, but after working on it more and more, I'm sure it will be just as good as the one at home, maybe even better!" Peter said, rubbing one of the lost boys hair. "I'm going to stay and help peter finish the tree." Diantha said to Sabrina, "I will meet you back at the house." "Okay just be home in time for dinner!" She rolled her eyes and said sarcastically, "naw, I was gonna meet you back at the house at 7 in the morning." She smiled and peter laughed. "Whatever, I will see you later!" She started walking through the forest. A couple minutes later Sabrina heard a terrible scream. She ran back to see if peter and diantha were okay, and came to a startling surprise. A jabberwocky was attacking peter and diantha... and diantha was fighting back, but not with magic, her BARE hands. Peter was in the air with his wooden sword in his hand. "JABBERWOCKY!" It screamed in diantha s face. She ran under it and kicked behind its knee. It fell forward in pain. She looked at the knee and realized it's knee was oozing and blue to begin with. Peter jabbed it in the eye and it screamed in pain, "JABBERWOCKY!" Diantha climbed onto its back and sent a devastating blow to its head. It turned to face her and was met with a punch in the eye. It drew its head back and diantha pulled her wand out and yelled, "stupefy!" The jabberwocky's knees released and its head went down to the floor with a thunk.
(An: I know you can't use magic outside of school until your 16 or something, but let's pretend they can... maybe they canceled that rule after the war... okay, back to the story.)
Through this whole time, Sabrina just stood there shocked. Peter flew back down to diantha and said, "nice! I didn't know you could fight!" "Neither did I." Sabrina said. Diantha turned to Sabrina and said "back in England I picked up a few street fighting skills. After my parents kicked me out I had to live on the streets during the summer months with nothing but my hands and magic for defense. I didn't really have anywhere to go at that time. I also entered fighting contests for money. England is harsh place to live when your homeless... it wasn't until my third year I could afford enough money to live in a bed and breakfast." Her hair turned dark blue again and you could tell she was sad. Peter put a sympathetic hand on her shoulder and she smiled at the boy. Her hair turned back to jet black. "We should tell granny about what happened... we are working on a case and by that attack, this was definitely planned." They nodded and diantha picked the huge beast up with her wand. They walked back and Sabrina chained the beast outside with a little magic. At the book store in diagon alley, Sabrina picked a book out called, "magical locks and chains." She thought it could come in handy with puck and his pranks. After that they walked inside to granny Daphne mr. canis and puck, "what took you guys so lo... " her voice trailed off as she saw peter. She inserted her palm into her hand into her mouth. Puck looked up from his food and looked in peters direction. He scowled at his sight and walked over to him, "you!" He pointed an accusing finger at peter. He through his hands up and Diantha walked in front of peter, "calm down puck, he's our friend!" Picks face went red in anger. "I thought I sent you and your lost boys off years ago!" Diantha's hair went red and flew in the air. "So it's true? You can't go sending people off because people always think your them! That's the worst reason I have ever heard! Build a bridge and get over it!" Peter stepped between the two and said in a calm voice, "that was the past, it doesn't matter now. Let's stop fighting before smoke starts coming out of your ears." Diantha's hair turned black again but still had a scowl. "Diantha and peter were attacked by a jabberwocky in the forest. I think the scarlet hand might have sent it. Did you know diantha could fight?" Diantha just smiled, a little embarrassed by all the attention. Granny Relda smiled and walked up to diantha and peter, "I'm glad to see you to are alright. I'm Relda, who are you?" She tuck her hand out to peter. "I'm peter, Peter Pan. Nice to meet you Relda!" He took her hand and shook vigorously. Daphne ran up to peter and wrapped her arms around his waist. "That's Daphne my little sister. Sorry, she loves meeting new people... especially everafters." "Well hi Daphne! It's nice to meet you!" He said awkwardly. She pulled away from him and beamed, "I've always wanted to meet you! I got sad when I learned puck wasn't you, I'm still happy that I met puck but your one of my favorites!" She said excited. Puck scowled at Daphne and walked and sat on the couch. "It was nice to meet you all, but I must be going... I don't want to leave my lost boys there for long, thank you!" "Why don't I come with you?" Diantha said, shocking herself. "Of course! If it's not too much trouble. Your great at fighting and of you want you can help me with the tree!" She smiled and her hair turned bubble gum pink, "yeah! I will see you guys tomorrow!" She said to Sabrina. They left and Sabrina walked over to the couch and sat next to puck, "what your deal anyway? I understand you don't like peter because people call you Peter Pan sometimes, but that doesn't mean you can act like that."
Puck looked up to her and said, "people seem so excited to meet me when they think I'm peter, but I've never had someone come up to me and be all excited to meet the trickster king... half of the time they don't know who I am." She placed her hand on his shoulder. "I saw the look on your face when Daphne said she was excited to meet peter and thought he was you when they first met. I understand it can be rough when someone's upset to meet you-" "NO YOU DONT!" Puck yelled, jumping up from the couch, cutting her off. He sat back dow after a couple seconds and said, "I'm sorry, it's just that I don't think you know how I feel." "I know that feeling well, maybe not as much as you, but well... when you left to go travel the world after the war, a lot of ever afters that came in hearing about the amazing tales of Daphne and Sabrina. They seemed genuinely happy to see me. I though people would ask me about my battle strategy and how I had made a better one than famous warriors like Robin Hood, but instead I got asked what it was like to be the first non witch in a coven. Man, I hated that feeling... I know it sucks but like diantha said," using her best (but not good) British accent, she said "build a bridge and get over it!" He laughed and replied, "you have a terrible British accent Grimm... but your probably right, I will be nicer... but don't expect any apology!"
The next day during breakfast, a knock on the door came and diantha walked in, her hair bubble gum pink again, "hey guys! What are we doing today?" Sabrina replied with a smirk, "I would have thought you would be hanging out with your new boyfriend all day!" Daphne dropped her fork and ran right up to diantha, almost knocking her over, "your dating PETER PAN and you never told me?!" Dianthas hair turned a darker shade of pink as she gave Sabrina a death stare. Not breaking eye contact, she said to Daphne, "we are not dating, if we were you would now by now... he's probably waiting for Wendy anyway..." her hair turned a shade a dark blue. She changed her hair back to jet black and said, "Pan is at the hardware store. When I told him about nails and screws, he went crazy with excitement. You should have seen it!" Daphne and Sabrina shared a look and turned to diantha again, "we were thinking of finding clues from these notes today... you can help if you want but it might not be fun. As for windy-" Sabrina was cut off by Daphne, "she grew up! She left peter in Neverland. besides, if he had feelings for Wendy, they're long gone now... but if you ARE interested in peter, it looks like he grew a little as well, he looks about your age." She wiggles her eyebrows up and down. "I'm not INTERESTED in peter. As for your whole investigation thingy... I would love to help you guys but I told the lost boys if I had extra time I would take them to a park... apparently, they have never gone to one before... I will see you guys later, bye 'brina! Bye daph!" She walked out. "Daph? Brina?" Daphne asked. "Diantha gives people nicknames... I like mine." Sabrina said, "I like it to! I should find her one!" She bit her palm. "Well you can do that later, for now let's find some clues about all this."

An: what should Diantha's nick name be? Give me ideas... bye!

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