Chapter 9: not your ordinary dinner

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Everyone at dinner was completely silent as they ate. Finally, mcgonagall stood up and got everyone's attention. " I'm sure most of you have heard by now about the... situation, in the gryffindor common room." Sabrina stood up. "He's here. He's already here." Daphne and puck also stood up and walked up to the podium. McGonagall stepped off to let sabrina talk. " the red hand print is the sign of the scarlet hand. They have a pretty big grudge on us. We though we had the last of them rounded up, but apparently we forgot about the rest of the scarlet hand around the world. I'm sorry I had to drag all of you into our family problems-" Diantha stood up. "No. Your problems are my problems. Sabrina, you gave me a family when I didn't have one. You gave me a home away from Hogwarts. I don't care who your dealing with, your my family, sabrina." "She's right." Lily stood up. "Your my friend, daphne. And friends don't let other friends run into danger without them." a random gryffindor boy stood up. "You are a great friend puck, even if some people say your a little bit weird. I'm with you." "Same here!" A hufflepuff stood. "You didn't treat me like I was made of glass just because I was a hufflepuff. I'm with you guys." Anouther hufflepuff stood. "One hufflepuff, All hufflepuffs." The rest of the hufflepuffs stood. A slitherin stood "Hey, Sydney's my best friend, And If Sydney trusts you, I trust you." A few more slitherin stood. "And if he trusts you, we trust you." A few more slitherin stood. "It's a little too late for this to not be our problem as well." Everyone else was stood up as well. The three smiled. "Thank you guys. We appreciate your support." "Why don't you first explain what exactly happened and why the scarlet hand is after you." Sabrina nodded. "As I'm sure you've realized, there is something different about us. Do you guys know fairytales like the three little pigs and snowy white and the seven dwarfs? Yeah, all of those are real." They spent the rest of the night explaining everything they've been through and the backstory of some other stuff.

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