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Sabrina, Daphne, puck, the rest of the Grimms, McGonagall, Longbottom, and a few more professors as well as some of the survivors of the second wizarding war. they had arrived after Longbottom sent out a letter about everything going on and most of them arrived. they all met to discuss their next step in this war. they all agreed that the main issue was that the scarlet hand knew exactly where they were but they had no idea of where the scarlet hand was. 

"I believe we should start off by trying to locate the scarlet hand immediately." Ron spoke up. "we MUST know where they are."

"I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I think our main priority should be to start by upping our defenses." his wife argued.

"it doesn't matter how much we up our defenses, were at the disadvantage if we go into this war blind while they know exactly what we're planning," Jake added as he slammed his hand into the table. that earned him a glare from Relda, to which he quickly apologised and sat down.

"they already have a way into the castle, I say we up our defenses AND look for the mole," McGonagall said. some people murmured in agreement and others questioned the idea of a mole.

"a mole??"

"Yeah, no. I got rid of the mole a while ago."

"... I'm sorry, but whatever are you talking about?" Harry asked confused. everyone looked to Puck, as he was the one who spoke. (honestly, when is Harry not confused.)

"the mole on my back. what else are we talking about?" he got up from his chair and turned around while lifting up his shirt, showing his mole-less back. the whole Grimm family rolled their eyes in sync.

"we were talking about the mole in the castle, you idiot," Sabrina said, and before puck went in with an insult back, Longbottom quickly jumped in.

"but let's not jump to conclusions here. how do we know there's a mole in the castle?"

"how do we know there's NOT a mole in the castle?" Harry questioned.

"... touche"

"but I agree." McGonagall continued. "we should think about every possibility here. there could be a mole, there could not be. the safest option is to look for a mole and if we don't find one, we know they don't have an inside source. last time we had a mole inside Hogwarts, he displayed an odd lip movement that was different from the person he was trying to imposter. we need to look for any signs, any clues someone among us is not a traitor. don't overlook any signs of traitorous acts, no matter how well you thought you knew the person." while others had agreed with this, there were still people who weren't on board. 

"but we cannot sit here like ducks while the scarlet hand knows our location and our plan of attack! we need to start searching!" arguments started to fill the hall.

"WHERE are we going to start searching, Ronald?"


"I agree! we need to look for the scarlet hand!"

"you're not going to find anything, because you have absolutely no clue as to where to start looking!" 

"Hello, guuyyysss!"

"any start is a start!"

"GUYS!" Sabrina yelled loudly and everyone stopped to turn and look at her.

"why cant we just do it all?" murmurs spread through the room, as if a bunch of adults never considered to try and do all of these things at once. "set up two parties; one will be in charge of going through and upping all of the defenses of the castle, the other will start to do research on possible locations of the scarlet hand. most of the wizards will be with the group for upping the defenses, and i think puck and daphne should join them. daphne, bring the rest of your coven, okay?" daphne and Puck nodded. daphne gave her sister an encouraging smile. "ill go with the group to start looking for possible locations of the scarlet hand: we can have someone go down to Hogsmeade and listen for rumors while the rest of us pull out the storybooks and start looking for possible hiding places. well need a few wizards on that team to help us identify magical enchantments that they could have possibly used. how does that sound?" everyone seemed to be in agreement with the plan Sabrina set up. "great! now nobody knows yourself more than you do, so split yourselfs up into groups however you see it fit." 

"everyone who wants to help up the defenses, join us over here!" daphne and puck moved to the other side of the room. "whoever wants to analyze some old books with me, come over here!" there were a lot more people who wanted to join daphne and puck and less people who wanted to look through books, but its what she expected. in the end, Sabrina had Hermione, Relda, Veronica and jake on her team, and she knew a few ever after's that were not present at the meeting that would do well to help them. they decided to meet in the library right away and get to work. sabrina went to grab her personal fairy tale book before joining them all down there.

okay guys, that's the end of this chapter! I hope you enjoyed! XOXO- CJ

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