Chapter #4: coming home for christmas

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Ever since the first top notes, they had only gotten worse... it started as two a month, then increased to two a WEEK! Thankfully, Christmas break is coming soon, finally get away from all of this... "Sabrina?" Diantha said. "What's wrong? You have that lol again." "What look?" I asked my friend, "THAT look..." I gave her a questioning look, telling her I didn't know what "that look" was. "Your eyebrows were scrunched up and your frowning... it looks like a mix between anger, sadness, and constipation." She said with a smile. I laughed softly at her joke, "this whole scarlet hand business, it's been driving me CRAZY! I can't wait to go spend time with my family over break... what about you?" Her familiar smile that made her dimples pop vanished. "I'm stuck here for the holidays... I stayed in an orphanage most of my life until I was 5. When I got my letter from hogwarts, my "parents" flipped out." She put quotation marks around parents. "They were screaming at each other until they finally turned to me. They told me "go to that wizard school and never come back! We didn't want you anyway!"" She said in a deeper voice. I put a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry, I had no idea. Why don't you come to our house over break? I can ask granny, she LOVES children, I guess it makes her feel younger or something." She looked at me and smiled, showing off her beautiful white teeth, "I would love to! Thank you for your offer! I'm soo glad to have you as a friend!" She pulled me into a hug. She told me she doesn't really enjoy physical contact the first day I met her. Daphne pulled her into a hug and she awkwardly hugged back. I told her, "sorry about Daphne, she gets excited when she meets new people." "It's fine," she replied. "I just don't really like hugging, or any physical contact that much... your sisters nice." She glancing at the overly enthusiastic girl jumping up and down. It meant a lot to me she hugged me because of that, I guess she trust me. I pull back and said, "I'm glad we're friends too!"
A few weeks later
I had gotten a couple of creepy notes today, "have fun with your family, they might not be around much longer!" It sent shivers down my spine just reading it. I would have to talk to granny about everything when we got there. We had to fly out to America again, the plan ride was exhausting. The turbulence was TERRIBLE! I was forced to sit next to pick again, Diantha bought her plane ticket separately so we were on completely different sides of the plan. I handed pick the new notes and his face scrunched up in anger, "what kind of sicko does this? I got something too.." he said handing me a paper. "Tsk, tsk, tsk! Coming back into our territory? BAD MOVE FAIRY BOY!" It read. He looked so angry, I didn't know what to do. I pulled him into a hug. Hoping to at least try to make him feel better. He returned it and whispered, "I'm scared they will come after us in fairy port landing. The paper said "our territory" that must mean someone from fairy port landing is involved. It may be a the clue we need." "You right!" I exclaimed, pulling away from the hug, I whispered back, "but what would someone from fairy port landing be doing in England? Maybe they are on this flight!" Puck shook his head in disagreement, " I highly doubt that, they wouldn't risk their identity. When we get back, the old lady can help you make a list of suspects." I nodded and yawned, "I'm going to take a nap, I'm so tired I hardly slept last night." He rested his head on my shoulder, "I will sleep to, I'm gonna need lots of energy tomorrow. Good... afternoon? What do you say when you take a nap that's not in the nighttime?" I laughed and fell asleep with my head on his. We were coming a little too close... I didn't know how to feel about it. "Oh well, I will think about it later." I thought. I woke up later to a familiar giggle, I groggily opened my eyes to red and Daphne, too tired to fight back, I said, "are we home?" "We are at the airport in New York!" Daphne said with excitement. "Let's go lovebirds, your folks are probably waiting outside." Diantha said with a devilish grin. I rolled my eyes at her comment and shook puck awake. After a while we finally got him up and we got out of the plane and into the actual airport area. We searched for a while and finally found our Grimm family. "Hey guys! So good to see you again! Mom dad! You care too!" Sabrina's mom and Dad ran up to Sabrina and hugged her and Daphne. "We are staying with Relda so we can spend so quality time together! My child, what happened to your hair?!" Sabrina had gotten used to the hair color, she forgot it was there. "SOMEONE," she said motioning to puck, "dyed my hair my house colors in my sleep. Veronica just shrugged, not knowing how to respond to that, turned to Diantha and smiled. She stuck her hand out and said, " hi, I'm Veronica, Sabrina's mom, you must be Diantha, nice to meet you!" Diantha took her hand and replied, "it's nice to meet, all of you! Thank you so much for letting me stay! It means a lot!" Granny Relda smiles and stuck her hand out, "of course libeling! The more the merrier! We can do introductions at the house, let's get into the car. We left Pinocchio at home, but there still won't be enough room.." her voice trailed off. Then puck spoke up, "I can fly Grimm and Diantha back." "Absolutely NOT!" Henry yelled, "it's a good idea, can you carry them both!" Granny Relda asked. "It's okay, I can ride my broom back and pick can carry Sabrina. That will work, right?" Diantha said. Daphne's eyes lit up. " can I ride with you?! I haven't rode a broom yet, since first years aren't allowed a broom." She mumbled the last part. "Of course! That is, if you father doesn't mind." She said noticing Henry's angry expression. "It's fine with us! Henry's not so much of a "magic enthusiast"" Veronica said with a grin. "Yes! Thank you mom! Thank you Diantha!" Diantha smiled and ruffled the little girls head, "any time squirt." Diantha considered Daphne the little sister she never had. Everyone had been so nice to her, one day, hopefully, she could return the favor. They walked out of the center and went there separate ways, puck, Sabrina, Daphne, and Diantha to the woods, red, granny Relda, Veronica, Jake, and Henry to the car. Diantha and daphne got to the house first, with Daphne's directions. Puck and Sabrina came later. Finally the car came last. They walked into the house with Pinocchio waiting for them. Everyone was introduced to Diantha then had dinner. Diantha was sharing a room with Sabrina and Henry and Veronica took the mirror room. Without mirror, the room was just a manically mirror with no director, it worked almost the same, though. Sabrina was waken up to Diantha shaking her awake, "wake up sleepy head!" Reluctantly, Sabrina opened her eyes and got up. She looked at Diantha and she had looked different. It took her a minute to realize what it was, her usually black hair was now a shade of a happy shade of sunshine yellow. "Y-y-your hair... PUCK!" Sabrina yelled. A sleepy puck walked into the room. "What up Grimm? Woah, I like what you did to your hair Diantha!" He said. A confused Diantha turned to the mirror, she gasped at the color of her hair and turned to puck, "DID YOU DO THIS? I KNOW FOR A FACT I DIDNT DO THIS!" She yelled. Sabrina looked back at her hair and it wasn't a shade of sunshine yellow anymore, it was RED. "Diantha, it changed..." Diantha looked back at the mirror and gasped again. Her hair color started to change rapidly, she finally closed her eyes and changed it back to the normal color of black. She opened her eyes again and smiled, relieved, she said "sorry for yelling at you. BUT WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY HAIR!" Sabrina thought about it, then went to her transfiguration text book, she flipped wildly, she finally found the page she was looking for, she read, "metamorphmagus, a rare wizard ability where the user can change their appearance at will. A wizard cannot develop this skill, it is passed on through the wizard family." Diantha eyes when wide, she went back to the mirror and closed her eyes. Her hair started to change to a light blue, she opened her eyes and giggled. Daphne and red burst into the room, "wazabigideawithanoise?" She gasped when she saw her hair, "woah! What happened!" Diantha closed her eyes again and changed her hair back to jet black. Daphne's eyes got wide, "how, did you do that! You have to teach me!" Daphne but the palm of her hand. "Sorry squirt, apparently it's in my genes. It's kinda fun!" She closed her eyes and opened them after a few seconds, her normal black eyes had turned GOLD. Daphne looked impressed and red, who hadn't spoken until now, finally spoke up, "during my whole control the wolf, I met with this wolf that had the same ability, he said he got it from his moms side, unfortunately, she and his father died right after he was born." Diantha's face fell and her hair turned a stormy blue, "I can relate to that," she said with a soft laugh. She smiled again, a fake smile, but still a smile, and said, "why don't we go eat, I'm kinda hungry." Everyone smiled at her. Sabrina gave her a kind smile. Diantha's hair finally went to a bubble gum pink. "Let's go!" She said bubbly. The rest of the Grimm's were already awake. They all looked at diantha's hair where shocked. Relda and Pinocchio gasped and jake dropped the toast out of his hand. Henry glared at puck and veronica looked down, pretending she hadn't noticed it. Diantha looked confused by the looks of their faces and looked down at her hair. She giggled and closed her eyes. Slowly her hair turned back to its normal color of black. All of them gasped at this. "She is a metamorphmagus, it means she can control her features willingly, quite cool, actually, imagine how many places you could get into with that." Puck grinned mischievously. Diantha nodded and closed her eyes again and slowly opened them. They were bright blue. She closed her eyes and changed them back. They all gaped at her, "I just found out about it, I was adopted by humans so I guess a relative of my actual family had this. It changes with my emotions, I'm not the best at controlling it yet." She said as her face and hair went to a pink blush. Looking at her hair, she changed it back. "I go through a lot of emotions throughout the day, this is going to be tricky..." everyone laughed at this joke. Daphne and picks stomachs growl, everyone laughs even harder. "Let's eat already!" Daphne yelled. Diantha reached out for a black waffle, but Sabrina grabbed her hand, "granny's food is different from regular food... I would just go with this." Sabrina reaches into the cabinet and grabs two bowls, she goes into the pantry and after a few minutes of rummaging, she pulls out a cereal box. She pours it into the bowls and adds milk. "Honey nut Cheerios! My favorite! We have a lot in common 'brina!" Diantha said, her hair turning pastel blue. She rolled her eyes and turned it back into her normal jet black hair. This was the first time anyone has called her brina, she liked her nickname, it was better than the names puck and her used during an argument... maybe she should find Diantha one... maybe not, it's not really her thing. "Your welcome! Let's go eat! Then we can go around town!" Diantha's usual happy smile returned to her face. "Sounds good! I would also like to see what else I can do with all this." Diantha and Sabrina joined the others at the table. After they all finished eating, Sabrina and Diantha went out to town. They walked down to the town square for a while and later went down to the docks. They sat by the water for a while and talked. Diantha looked out onto the ocean and saw a ship coming in, "wow, that's some ship... what kind of goods do you import?" Confused, Sabrina looked out onto the ocean. Far in the distance, a familiar ship was slowly making its ways into the dock area. Sabrina recognized the ship and knew someone that wouldn't be very happy. "Actually, I believe that's peter pans ship! At the end of the ever after war, he stopped by with his lost boys, puck doesn't like pan so he sent them off... I guess the either circled the United States or realized puck was lying." Diantha laughed and stood. She waved to the large ship and I guess someone spotted her. A boy in a green hat, leggings, shirt, and shoes jumped out of the boat, but instead of hitting the water, he flew through the air and hovered in front of Diantha. "Do you by any chance know where fairy port landing is? I've been looking for it for a couple years and I actually care here looking for it. I can't find it though... do you have any directions?" Diantha rolled her eyes and smiled. "Well, your actually in England! Fairy port landing is far away!" She said in her all-natural British accent. He gave a confused look and she laughed. "I'm just kidding. In Diantha, this is Sabrina, welcome to fairy port landing! I'm from england but Sabrina has been here a while." He looked even more confused. He turned to Sabrina, "I'm sorry, the last time you came here you met puck. People end up mistaking him for you, so he got kinda mad when he saw you... I was there, welcome back!" His confused look turned happy, "I'm just glad I finally found it! I need to park my boat, but I can meet you here after! I would love you get to know you both!" He smiled. He turned to Diantha again and said, "would you like to see my boat!" Diantha blushes a little and her hair started to match, she didn't appear to notice, but peter did, "um, your hair..." she looked at the light pink shade and closed her eyes. It turned back to its original jet black. "I can change my appearance at will, I actually just found out about it today so I'm still getting used to it... it's quite the long  story, but I would love to see your ship!" "Let's go!" He grabbed her waist and flew her to his ship. Sabrina laughed at how cute it was, "that was adorable... I hope I have that someday." She thought to herself. After a few minutes the boat finally pulled into the harbor. Peter dropped Diantha off and went to go see if he could keep his boat there. "So, you and peter?" She said with a smirk. Diantha's face and hair went to a reddish pink. She looked down and closed her eyes as her hair slowly turned back to its black. Diantha looks at Sabrina with the same smirk she had, "so, you and puck?" Sabrina went red but rolled her eyes. " I think tinker bell liked me though... she was super nice to me!" Sabrina smiled at Diantha. Peter came back to join them. "The man who runs the harbor said my boat can stay. I'm starving... do you guys want to go eat?" He said to his lost boys. They all shook there heads.
This made Diantha giggle, something Sabrina's never really seen her do until now. "You guys might want to find a place in the woods to sleep, I would invite you over to stay with us, but I don't think we have room for about 15 more." Sabrina said. Peter smiled back at her, "I understand! Can you help me find a place? I don't know these woods and all..." an idea crossed through Sabrina's mind and she smiled at Diantha mischievously, "why don't you help him Diantha, unfortunately I have to go solve a case with granny Relda right now but I can catch up with you guys later. Bye!" She went to hug Diantha and whispered very quietly, "good luck!" This made her hair and face turn pinkish reddish again. "Oh what the heck! I don't even care anymore!" She said tossing her hair over her shoulder.

AN: I hope you liked this chapter! It's more focused around diantha's character, so tell me what I should improve on her. I want to eventually give each character a chapter to develop them... HOPE YOU ENJOYED BYE!!!

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