Chapter 8

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Cassie's POV

Where am I ? What's that noise? Where is everyone?

Harry's POV

"You haven't talked to her at all?" I asked Gemma for what seemed like the thousandth time.

"No, Harry. I'll let you know when I do." She hasn't talked to Cassie in about two or three days.

"But she was at school yesterday, or today and the game is tonight. Shouldn't you be worried?"

"Why do you even care Harry? I thought you hated her?"

"Hate is a strong word. But it doesn't matter. I was just wondering." I said quickly and walked away.

I walked into my room and sat on the bed. I'm actually really worried. I haven't seen her in two days. What if she's hurt? I don't want to think like that but my mind keeps drifting. I know if I don't see her at the game tonight then something's wrong.


Game time! I'm ready to go. We'll be champions for the 4th year in a row and it'll be me leading the team to victory.

"You ready styles?" Zayn asked as we made our way to the court.

"As I'll ever be." Zayn and I fist bumped and the crowd erupt into applause and cheers.

When I look up I see the Norway was already on the court. "Ready to lose?" I said to Ed who looked like a ginger giant compared to some of his teammates.

"Talking to yourself eh?" He shot back.

"Nah, I'm talking to this dumbass jock, from a lame ass school, who about to lose a big ass game."

He laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, you're definitely talking to yourself."

"Fuck off." I said as I began to walk away from him. "Where you going Hawwy? Going to find your girlfriend to fight your battles again?"

"She wasn't fighting my battles, but she did hit you pretty hard didn't she?" I said raising an eyebrow at Ed.

"Nah, she hit like a girl." He said as if that was an insult.

I gave him a look as if asking if he were stupid. "Riiiight." I turned to walk away. "Fucking idiot." I said Louis enough for him to hear.

I didn't hear his response due to the crowds loudness when the cheerleaders made their way to the court. I looked at every face and I noticed she wasn't there. Shit. I'll make it my business to find her after this game, but right now I need to lead my team to success. They're counting on me.


15 seconds left. The scores are tied. And no one is open. I feel like this is Déjà Vu. This has happened before. The only reason I made this shot the last time was because of Cassie. Whenever I make a shot she's there. She's my motivation. Whenever there's a game she's cheering my name (along with the other cheerleaders but who gives a shit about them?) or giving me a thumbs up. Anything from her gives me the motivation and determination I need. She's not here. I turn to Zayn and he's open. I toss the ball to him and he catches it and shoots me a look as if I've grown another head. "Shoot!" I yell at him. He throws the ball to the net and it lingers on the rim for way to long before it falls of the side.

"Fuck!" I scream and the crowd had went wild. Wethers, a junior on the team caught the ball and threw it in the basket just before the buzzer. I jump 4 feet in the air run over to the rest of the team where we form a huge circle.

"WE DID IT!" I cheer and everyone screams and some of the guys' girlfriends run out to the court, giving them congratulatory kisses. I can't help but look around for her. I search every face but I just can't get over the fact that she's not here. I shake my head. I must've really fucked up, she didn't come to the game because of me.

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