Chapter 10

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"So... I missed prom?" Cassie asked Hannah with a small smile. I stood at the door unable to speak.

Would she still 'like me?'

"Yeah, you did. That's why I wasn't here yesterday. I went to prom and I was kind of upset that you didn't remember me." Hannah said hugging Cassie again.

"It's okay. Who'd you go to prom with?" Cassie asked and Hannah hid behind her hair with a blush. She waved her hand in a dismissive manner and at tempter to change the subject.

Zayn. Definitely Zayn.

"Do you remember any of the accident?" Sacked Hannah and the atmosphere became serious.

"Ummmm, I remember arguing with Harry, then I walked away, ending up like fifteen maybe twenty minutes away from my house. I was crossing the street when a car turned and hit me then I blacked out." She said quietly. "I remember hearing people calling for help but I don't remember anything else."

Hannah and Gemma both had tears in their eyes. And if I'm being honest I felt my chest tighten at one point.

They could've lost her. We could've lost her.

"I'm sorry." My mouth seemed to speak without my brain telling it to. "I'm sorry I ki-"

"Gemma, can we talk in the hallways." Hannah asked interrupting me. Hannah gave her a look and she nodded and they both left the room. When the door closed I began to speak again.

"I'm sorry I kissed you, I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry I purposefully annoyed you every chance I got. I'm sorry I made you hate me, it wasn't my intentions. I'm so sorry."

"Why are you crying?" She asked in a whisper, not mockingly, for a change.

I didn't even notice. Well fuck, this isn't very manly.

"I'm - I just feel like a dick. Like this is my fault. If I wouldn't have kissed you, if I wouldn't have pissed you off, you would've let me take you home, and you'd be fine." I said wiping my tears. I've lost all respect for myself, I'm sobbing in front of the girl I love.

"Why did you kiss me Harry? And don't give me a crappy excuse because you've tried to before." This isn't what I was expecting. I stayed silent, thinking of what to tell her. "Why?"

"Because I like you." I said it before I could stop myself. Well the cat's out of the bag now. "I've always liked you and I seriously couldn't stop myself. When you catch me starring at you it's not to annoy you, it's admiration. I get on your nerves just to see your angry face. It's like watching a kitten try to intimidate someone." She bites her like to hide her smile. "I like how you bite your lip when you're trying not to laugh it smile, like now." She giggles. "I love you giggles, I love how athletic you are, I love how your not afraid to speak you voice. I love your admiration of food, very amusing." I smirk and she smiles. "I like how you get frustrated you get when your hair doesn't do what you want it to do. I love how ticklish you are, even though the last time I tried that you neatly broke my arms." She laughs. "I love your brown eyes, they hold such intensity but you seem to hate them for some reason." She blushes. "I love your smile, I love your small hands, I- I could go at this for hours but you didn't ask me to describe the things I liked about you." I said taking a breath. "I kissed you because I needed to, I need to know if what I was feeling was one sided. I've never liked anyone the way I like you. You were so close to me and that- the look you gave me made me think you wanted the same thing but I was wrong. I read the signals wrong and again, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you."I meet her eyes and see her jaw nearly to the floor.

Better close your mouth or you'll catch flies.

"Say something."


I can't speak. I'm inaudible. His confession took me completely off guard. All this time. I thought he hated me, all this time.

I feel like a bitch.

Honestly, I did feel something when Harry kissed me but I didn't want to admit it. I did want him to kiss me, but I don't know why. I never liked Harry.

I'm so confused now though.

"I'm confused." Was all I could manage to say.

"About what?" He asked.

Everything. Do I like you? When did you start liking me? Why do you like me? Why didn't I notice?

"A lot of things." I don't even know what I'm saying right now.

I don't know what I'm feeling right now. I need to know.

"Do it again." I whisper sitting up crossed legged in the bed.

"Do what?" He asked confused.

"Kiss me again." I whisper. My heart is at a hundred beats per second.

I look at Harry to read his expression but I can't.

"What?" He asked and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"I said ki-"

"I heard what you said but why?" He asked cutting me off and moving to sit on the bed next to me.

"I need to know if I feel anything." I said, he nodded.

"What if you don't?"

"Then there's nothing there." I said with a small sympathetic smile.

"And if you do?"

"I don't know." He nodded.


I laced my fingers together and waited for him to lean in. I'm not that confident, I couldn't lead the kiss. After noticing that he was just as stiff as I was I looked up to see him starting at my hands that were in my lap.

"Are you going to kiss me or not?" I asked and he looked up with a smirk.

"Eager are we?" He asked teasingly and I rolled my eyes.

"You always have to make things difficult, all you had to do was-" I'm silenced by my chin behind grasped into his gentle hands and his lips on mine. I felt my heart stop and the pick up. I felt a rush of adrenaline as his lips began to move.

It felt...... Good. There's something there. Definitely something there.

I leaned into the kiss more, knotting my fingers in his hair. I heard him hum in appreciation.

He pulled away and I met his gaze with a blush on my cheeks. He gently stroked his thumbs over my cheek as his green eyes starred into my brown ones. It was almost to intense.

"Feel anything?" He asked in a whisper.

All I could do was nod before I felt his lips back on mine.

Who knows what'll happen next......

A/N: hi guys. Enjoy dis. I Luh y'all. I'm forrealz, y'all my Baes. ❤️💋✌️

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