Chapter 3

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Gemma's POV

I open my eyes to the sun shining extra brightly through my blue curtains. When I see Ashton lying next to me, I sit up quickly, and regret it only seconds later. KILLER HANGOVER.

I look at the small alarm clock it's 10 o'clock. I Get up and wrap my pink plush robe around body before heading downstairs to make some coffee. I Cut the coffee pot on and waited for it to brew just enough for Ashton and I.

A couple of minutes later, I heard the lock twist on the front door. I walked into the living room with a frown of confusion on my face. I thought everyone was asleep.

Cassie walked into the house, with Harry hot on her tail.

"Cassie, can you please just listen to me-" Harry Began.

"Harry, I said I don't want to talk about it." Cassie cut him off.

Harry ran a hand through his hair then down across his face, "Why the hell not?" He groaned in frustration.

"Because it was a mistake Harry."

An unreadable expression crossed his face, "why?"


"What was a mistake?"

I ask cutting Cassie off from whatever she was about to say.

"Nothing! we both woke up too early and now he's acting delusional. -or maybe he got punched to hard." she said the last part under her breath but I heard her loud and clear.

I look over at Harry and low and behold his face is bruised and his lip is busted.

I gasp. "What the hell happened to your face?"

Cassie's Pov

"I fell." harry answers way too quickly.

"Bullshit! Cass what happened?" Gemma asks.

"Cassie-" he says disregarding what his sister was saying, and continuing the previous conversation that I still don't want to have, but I cut him off. I don't want Gemma to know about this.

"I Have to go Harry. I'll see you at school tomorrow." I say sprinting upstairs into Gemma's room to grab my bag. I then see Ashton sprawled out on the bed asleep. I look at the clock and it's fifteen minutes past eleven.

I walk back downstairs, and go to Gemma in the kitchen. "You might want to wake up your boyfriend, he has to be at work At 12." Her eyes widened when she noticed the time, and she started for the stairs. "I'll text you later!" I called back at her from the front door as she was half way up the stairs.

"Ok, love you." she said sounding a thousand miles away. I didn't even bother to respond, by now she wouldn't be able to hear me anyways.

When I turn to walk out the front door, I run straight into Harry's chest. Damn you smell good!

I mentally slap myself for thinking that at this given moment.

"Excuse me," I say stepping to the right as Harry steps to the left causing me to bump into him again.

He smirks as I try to get pass him again, but he side steps me causing a collision once more.

I'm getting frustrated now, I stomp my foot childishly, giving my best angry face which is nothing more than a pout but whatever.



Harry's pov

She looks like a kitten right now, trying to be scary, or angry, or whatever the hell she wants to call it.

She stomps her foot again, still pouting. "Why won't you let me pass?"

She continues to poke her bottom lip out, and it just makes me want to kiss her more.

I ignore her question, "Let me drive you home?"

She rolls her eyes, "Why couldn't you just ask like a normal person instead of being proper asshole about it?"

" 'Cause I'm far from normal. Now c'mon, we need to go!"

"It's only like a fifteen minute drive from here."

"Well, I have somewhere to be."

"Then why'd you offer to drive me?"

"Ok fine, I don't have anywhere to be, but it seemed like you were in a rush earlier."

"Hmm, I wonder why?" she muttered sarcastically.

"Well, I'm just trying to help."

"I know but-"

She was cut off mid sentence from a FaceTime message. She answered quickly, and I recognized the voice to be Gemmas.

"Hey great, you're still here. Where's Harry?" Gemma said. Cassie glances at me before looking back at her phone.

"Right here..." she said uneasily. "why?"

"Harry get in the picture!" Gemma yelled.

"Um, Harry you don't have-" She was cut off by Ashton rushing out the door like a madman.

"Gotta go, see you guys." he said sprinting past us to his car.

He was pretty much gone before we could respond.

"Anyways, Harry you don't have a date to prom do you?"

"Uh, no why?"

"Well both of you said you weren't going because you didn't have dates but you only get one prom so I don't think you shouldn't miss it."

My eyes went wide. "Gemma what are you implying?"

"That you two should go to prom together!" She exclaimed.



"Because your brother-"

"Would love to go to prom with Cassandra. I'll pick you up at six, it starts at seven. Maybe we could grab some food before? mhm sound good, ok see you later bye." Harry said before disappearing into the house without leaving me room to say a word.

I ended the FaceTime with Gemma, and called a taxi. So much for that ride, Harry!

What the hell did I just get into?


A/N : I've decided on shorter chapters & quicker updates! is that ok?

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