Chapter 9

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Where's my mom? Where's my brother? Why am I still in this fucking hospital? I understand that I was in an accident, but why didn't my mom come to see me? Why didn't my brother come to see me? Do they not care anymore? To be honest, I don't really expect my mother to be here, she's probably to drunk to travel. But what about my brother? He should be here. The only person that's been here is some blond named Hannah whom I don't know. She keeps claiming to be my best friend, but the only friend I have is Kayla and she's moving to Chicago soon . The doctors told me that my house was vacant. How could my house be vacant.

I feel like today is a special day, but I can't recognize its significance. I really wish I knew though because I feel like I'm missing out on something. I almost passed out when I looked in the mirror this morning. I definitely didn't look like an eighth grader. My boobs are bigger, and I have more grown up features. I look like a high schooler, maybe even a grown-up.

"Cassandra, can you tell me today date?" The fat nose doctor asked me.

"Um, May 8, 2009?" His eyes widened and he shook his head and muttered 'three days.'

"Three days what?" I asked him and he sighed.

"That's how long you've been here, and that's how long your memory has been set back."

"What do you-" I tried sitting up and a rippling pain shot through my entire body. "Ow, fuck!" I screamed probably loud enough for the whole hospital to hear."

"What's wrong?" The doctor asked. "I said ow dipshit I'm obviously in pain." I yelled again with slight tear threatening to fall.

"Of course, miss, I'll get you some morphine." I felt bad for cursing at him but the pain in my head stopped me from apologizing. He left the room and bumped shoulders with a tall curly haired boy.

"Cassie, you ok? I heard you scream from the waiting room."

I winced as I tried to speak. "Pain. Wh-who are you?" Damn this guy is hot, and he knows my name. The girls at school would never believe me if I told them this.

"It's me Cassie, it's Harry. Gemma's brother."

"Who's Gemma?" I asked, the pain still evident on my face.

"Um, she's your friend. I'll explain the rest when you get som-" I couldn't hear the rest of his sentence because he was leaving the room as he spoke, I frowned. So much for Mr. Hotness. "She's in pain! What's taking so long for the goddam medicine!" He yelled at no one in particular.

"Chill out brother." Another person said, a girl. "They're on their way." When she entered the room, I recognized her. "Hey, Gemma!" I yelled trying to get her attention and that caused the pain to intensify. I groaned and the tears fell.

"We're here with the medicine." A tall blond lady said. She came over to me and screwed the tube into my IV and pushed the medicine in. ""She'll be a wake for about 30 minutes before the medicine kicks in and it'll make her pretty sleepy. You can stay if you want but visiting ours are over at 9:30." It's still daylight crazy lady.

"Ok, thank you." Gemma said and the doctor left, she looked at me and tears were running down her cheeks. "Cass?"

"Hi," I said barely above a whisper. I learned my lesson with loud talking. "Why aren't you at camp?"

"What?" Gemma asked. "We don't go to camp." She said and I frowned.

"Why not?" I asked and Gemma let out a sigh. I looked over at the door and Mr.Hottie was giving me a sad look.

"Cassie, it's 2014 babe. You're graduating high school next week and you don't go to cheer camp anymore." I frowned again.

"That's crazy talk Gem. I start at your school in August, and I'm in the ninth grade." Mr. Hotshot let out a small chuckle though he didn't look anywhere near happy. He looked at me and winked. I quickly turned my head trying to hide my obvious blush. "Who's that?" I asked Gemma in a whisper.

She rolled her eyes at no one and looked at Mr. Prettyface. "ThTs my brother, Harry."

"You didn't tell me you had a hot brother." I whispered again and Mr. Sexy laughed again. Guess I wasn't whispering whispery enough.

"Now she admits it." He said looking at me again.

"Admit what?" I asked him.

"That you find me attractive." He said wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"Harry!" Gemma snapped. "She has the mind of a middle schooler -no offense Cassie- now is not the time to obsess over your creepy crush."

"I don't have a creepy crush." He mumbled going to sit in the chair next to my bed "Right baby?"

"Um, Gemma? What is he talking about?"

"Nothing sweetie, he's being an ass, that's why you don't like him."

"So, let me get this straight, I'm a senior, I'm not 14, I'm graduating high school next week, and you have a hot brother who I hate?" I asked. She all but flinched at 'hot brother but nodded anyways. "Why can't I remember you?" I asked Mr. Hotcurls.

"I don't know, but I wish you did." I turned back to Gemma but she was on her cell talking to someone. She had a cute green phone with what looked like an apple on the back. Like the computers.

"Can you guys help me remember? Show me pictures or something like in the movies." I asked, he gave me a sad smile but nodded anyways. He pulled his phone from his pocket and went to something. When he handed it to me, he said to swipe left and keep going.

"This is a cool phone, what kind is it?" I asked inspecting the back, disregarding the front.

"It's an iPhone 5 babe." He said taking the phone and turning it over to reveal a picture of myself. The older version of me. "You took that Tuesday." He said and I nodded. I scrolled over to the next picture and it was me and the blond who had visited me yesterday.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"That's your other best friend, Hannah." I formed my lips into an "o" and continued to scroll. I stopped at a picture of him with make up on whilst asleep. "Why'd you have on make up?" I asked trying to stifle a laugh.

"You and Gemma thought it'd be funny to give me a make-over while I was sleeping." He said and I laughed harder than I should've. He looked at me and shook his head laughing as well.

"What's your name again?" I asked him.

He pursed his lips and started to look said again. "It's Harry." He mumbled but loud enough for me to hear. My eyes started to get heavy and I yawned. Gemma was in the hallway still on the phone.

"I know Gemma said I hate you, but I don't understand why. I like you."

Harry smiled standing up to kiss my forehead. "Get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow."

Almost immediately I fell asleep.

A/N: This Chappie is short and it's a filler. Please. Vote & Comment.

Love you guys. :)

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