(Y/n), the newsie who could cook.

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"I'm staaaaaaahvin'," Whined a very hungry (and little), Jack Kelly.

"Why dontcha go buy somthin' ta eat?" An older newsie suggested.

Jack rubbed his eyes. "I'se ain't gots enough money," He blinked twice, "And it's very cold outside."

"There's some stuff in tha kitchen." A young newsie named 'Specs' said.

"Ew no way am I'se gonna eat that uncooked stuff!!" Jack said sticking his tounge

Then, another young newsie by the name of 'Racetrack' made his way down the stairs with a deck of cards.

"Aye Jackie ya up for a game? Mush? Blink?" He said gesturing to two other young newsies.

"Sure." The one called 'Mush' replied.

"Aye," 'Blink' or 'Kid Blink' began,"Has anyone seen Crutchie?"

The other newsies shook their heads.

"I don't think he's back from sellin' yet." Racetrack added.

Some of the older newsies had worried looks on his face. Crutchie was a year younger than Jack and had a gimp leg, and if he's out by himself in the cold, who knows what could happen to him!

"B-by himself?" Mush asked, oviously slightly worried.

The older boys where silent until the leader, a newsie called Tanks (his real name was Nicholas Harris), of the age fourteen, sighed.

"Alright, heres what's we'se gonna do," he spoke, in a light newsie accent,"Bomber, Chatters, Switch, you three come with me ta' find Crutchie, the rest of you'se stay here with the kiddos."

The rest of the elder newsies nodded and shouted 'yes sirs' in reply as they the three who's names where mentioned threw on coats and shoes.


"So kid, show us tha' money!!!" A large, greasy looking teen of about Tank's age sneered as he held Crutchie by the rim of his coat.

"I-I....I don't gots any..." (mini) Crutchie stuttered fearfully.

"DATSA LIE!!! We say ya hallin' around ya little papes earlier." Another said kicking his crutch away, causing Crutchie to cry out.

"AYE," an unfamiliar, girly voice yelled, "LEAVE EM' CRIP ALONE."

The owner of the voice slowly walked toward the two boys holding Crutchie captive. It was a little girl who appeared to be as old as Crutchie, maybe younger, with (h/l), (h/c) hair. Her upper part of her face was covered by a cap that seemed slightly to big for her head and she wore a raggedy jacket and a (f/c) scarf.

The boy holding Crutchie dropped him to the floor and turned to face the girl.

"What did you say girlie.." he said in a rather low tone.

"Oh! I'se sorry, did I studda?" The girl said sarcastically, "I said 'Leave em' crip alone', or did you not understand me with all the grease in ya' ears?"

The two boys huffed angrily and charged at her. As the first one neared, the girl threw herself to the floor and kicked this legs from under him, causing him to fall to the floor.


"Oi, that's no way ta' talk to a lil' girl, mind your manners~" Tanks cooed from where he stood behind the girl.

He and his 'army' had just arrived, and at an incredible time too! As the newsies soaked the boy who tried to take Crutchie's money, the little girl ran and picked up his crutch.

"Here," she said handing it to him and helping him up.

Crutchie reluctantly took his crutch from the girl. He was slightly shook from everything that just happened.

"U-um...thank y-you'se..."

The girl cocked an eyebrow, "Are you okay? Those guys musta' scared you'se bad, huh?"

Crutchie nodded.

"Aye Crutchie boyo!!" Tanks called, waving his arm.

Crutchie attempted to walk to him. He took one step and grimaced in pain.

Noticing this, the girl stopped him.

"Hey, hey, take it easy, alright. I'SE THINK ES' HURT!!" The girl hollered to Tanks.

Tanks and the other three newsies jogged over to where Crutchie and the girl stood.

"Aye, you alright bud?" Tanks aked

Crutchie shook his head.

"Okay..." Tanks crouched down to Crutchie's level."Can ya' climb on?"

Crutchie climbed onto Tanks' back as the girl carried his crutch. One of the newsies looked at her with a confused expression.

"Um...I'se can carry dat' for him." The newsie stated.

"Mhm, and I'se can cook. The names (Y/n) by tha' way." The girl, (Y/n), replied.

After that none of the other newsies questioned (Y/n) the whole trip back to the lodge.


"Where home~" Tanks sang as the door opened.

"Ah what took ya so long I'se- CRUTCHIE WHAT HAPPENED TO YA!??!" Jack screamed as he saw his injured friend.

"And ah..who's she?" Mush asked pointing at (Y/n).

Tanks sighed,"This is (Y/n) she saved Crutchie. We let her walk home with us."

(Y/n) smiled politely.

"And (Y/n) girlie, I think ya better get home, ya folks are proba-"

"Oh, I don'ts gotta home." (Y/n) intrupted. 

Tank was silent for a moment.

"Oh.." he said at last. "Um, then uh...I suppose you could stay here wit' us?"

(Y/n)''s eyes lit up. "Really, that be okay wit' you'se guys?" She said turning to the other newsies.

"I mean ya did kinda save our bud so.." Jack pointed out.

(Y/n) giggled. "Thank you'se guys!!"

Jack chuckled slightly then remembered, "I'm hungry."

"She can cook." The newsie whom (Y/n) had talked to earlier said.

Jack quickly pulled (Y/n) into the kitchen with a dopey smile on his face.

'This ought to be good..' Thought Tanks, as he set Crutchie down and watched the two kids run off.

A/N: yes, I did make up the newsie names for the older ones. Also Tanks might be important idk I'll probably throw in a side romance of him and the baker girl from my Crutchie fanfic.

Aaand... it's time for bed bye.

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