Special request #1

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A/N: for someone (owo) this is a sample of Tanks' backstory:

  The dainty sound of a bell chiming was heard as Nicholas 'Tanks' Harris swung open the door to a local bakery owned by the family of one of his so-called 'friends'. Truth be told, they weren't all that great friends, but she had helped him through some pretty tough times. For that, Tanks felt like he owed her something, so everyday after all the boys went back to the lodge after selling their newspapers, he'd pay her a little visit.

"Oh Nicholas!! Your done selling papes already?" She asked, peeking her head out the entrance of the back room.

"Yep," He replied,"And you don't gotta' call me 'Nicholas' anymore, remember? You can call me 'Nicky' or 'Nick' or even 'Tanks' like tha' newsies!!"

The girl giggled, "Well, you call me 'Hannah'"

Tanks huffed. "That's cause' there isn't a short version of 'Hannah'" He said, putting emphasis on her name.

Hannah laughed and pulled him into the back room. Inside, laid several shelves stacked with different sweets, pastries, and bread.

"So how was selling today?" She asked as she set aside a few small chocolate chip cookies.

Tanks hoisted himself on top of a counter and sighed. "I took tha' new girl with me to sell. I swear the younger they are, the more papes they get rid of!!"

Hannah placed the cookies inside a paper bag and chuckled at his comment. Then she handed Tanks the bag and hoisted herself up next to him.

Tanks looked down at the paper bag in his hands. 'She still does this, huh...'

He smiled slightly. "You'se don't hafta' give me all these goods everyday, y'know?"

Hannah raised an eyebrow. "Who said they where all for you? I happen to know for a fact those are Mason's favorites."

Tanks face flushed bright red. 'Of course...'

Hannah noticed this and laughed. Then, the sound of footsteps running down the stairs that led to her family's apartment where heard, followed by the yells of an energetic young boy.

"AYE NICKY!!!!" Mason yelled as he basically tumbled down the stairs.

Tanks laughed. "Hiya Mase."

Mason giggled as he grabbed the nearest thing off of one of the shelves.

"Guess what Hannah taught me today!!" The eager ten year old said.

Tanks looked to Hannah, then to Mason, then back to Hannah and raised an eyebrow.


"BAGUETTE!!!!" Mason yelled, shaking the baguette in his hands.

Tanks was unamused, but Hannah couldn't help but erupting in a fit of laughter.

Tanks sighed and hopped off the counter. "Welp, I guess it's about time we leave, aye Mase?"

"Awww!!" Mason whined as he reluctantly walked back upstairs to retrieve his things and leaving Tanks and Hannah alone in the room.

"Hi." Hannah said.

"Hi." Tanks said back.

The two stood awkwardly waiting before Hannah decided to strike a conversation back up.

"Your birthday's next week Thursday."

Tanks was astonished. "You remember?"

Now, it was Hannah's turn to blush.

"U-um...uh..yes..wait! No..Um..is it weird?"

Tanks smiled softly. "No, it's okay. I'm...thank you for rememberin'..."

He couldn't remember the last time someone remembered his birthday without him reminding a weeks notice. He liked it. In fact, he liked it a lot!!! She remembered. Hannah remembered. Now that Tanks thought about it, she always remembered. Even the small, unimportant things like a favorite cookie.


Before he could stop himself, Tanks leaned down and pressed his rough lips against Hannah's soft ones.

A/N: ha ha I'm gonna end it here so if you wanna find out what happened you gatta WAIT. *high pitched evil laugh*
Also I'm gonna throw in sMALLS
Bye. (Also I'm not tellin who Mason is and why he's not a newsie )

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