I Hate Ghosts

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                                                             I HATE GHOSTS

“I hate ghosts,” Ren threw her backpack in the chair across from her grandfather.

Ren is Lauren Laughgar five foot three inches tall blonde hair and blue eyes, with her contacts in.  Ren weighed 98 pounds soaking wet and was saddled with two brothers.  It was her one big curse.  Other than her other curse.  You see Ren is a vampire.

“Ghosts are just a part of our life.  We’re up at night they’re up at night it’s just a matter of math that we would see more of them than your friends at school.”  Grandpa was looking at Lauren with love and compassion in his eyes.

“Ya but they just don’t know when to stay quiet.  Do you know what that ghost did today?”

“I’ve no idea honey but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”  Grandpa was smirking as he spoke.

Lauren looked at grandpa and scrunched up her face saying, “Are you making fun of me?”

“No my precious child, I would never make fun of you.  I just get a real kick out of your frustration with the ghost.  By the way, which ghost are we talking about?”

“They’re all the same but I’m talking about Sammy.  You know the kid who wrapped his car around a tree on prom night about 3 years ago.”  Ren made a humph sound and plopped down in one of the four dark blue with gold trim winged backed chairs.  She was the perfect height to lean back in the chair and the wings of the chair would dampen the sound just enough so when she wanted to she could block out the household noises and feel alone.  Ren liked being alone.

“I thought he had no unfinished business.  Why would he be bothering you?”

“Well Grandpa it seems our boy Sammy is upset about his track record being broken this year.  He wants me to complain to the school that this new kid who broke the record must have been on steroids.”

That revelation was just too much for grandpa and he burst out laughing.  Ren made an angry face put her hands on her hip and scowled.

“Sure laugh it up.  He came right into my homeroom this morning and started complaining about this new kid.  I didn’t hear any of the announcements and missed a meeting of the student counsel.  Then he follows me to every class and keeps asking when I’m going to do something.  I tried to tell him there was nothing I could do.  He, of course, got mad and screamed for the rest of the day.  I didn’t hear a thing my teachers said and looked like a fool with my hands over my ears all day.  Mr. Mack asked if his voice was irritating to me.  I felt so bad but the screaming was getting to me. 

“Why don’t you go see your mom.  She can make a herb bag for you to wear.  The smell will keep the ghosts away.”

“The problem with that idea is that it will keep everyone away.  Have you ever smelt those things.  YUkkk”

“Your right Ren.  Hmmm let's see what I can do.”  Grandpa walked to his workroom.  Flipping on the lights revealed several work tables with benches.  The center of the room held a book on spells on an antique looking book stand.  There were beakers on the tables filled with all sorts of ingredients.  Dried plants and flowers hung from the ceiling in string wrapped bundles.

Ren breathed in deeply.  She loved the smell of Grandpa's workroom.  “I can't wait till I can do spells too.  It will be cool to mix potions and put spells on people.”

“That is not what all this is for, and if you intend to use magic against people then I will never teach you how.”  Grandpa looked down at Ren with a disapproving look.

Ren hung her head and said, “Sorry Grandpa.  You know what I mean.  I just want to be able to do my own spells instead of having to ask you or dad all the time.”

Grandpa mussed Ren's hair and said, “It's all right sweet-pea.  I know it is frustrating but you have already gotten some of your special powers.  Isn't that enough for now?”

“Not really.  I mean I'm faster and stronger than anyone I go to school with, but I can't show  anybody.  Do you have any idea how hard it is not to win every race or pop the school bullies and put them in their place?”

“Believe it or not I do.  Remember when I was your age I had to go to school too and we didn't have the luxury of spray on sun protection.  I had to wear leather all the time to protect myself.  You at least can spray on the sun block and go in a bathing suit to school if you wanted.”

“Grandpa you went to school in the olden times when dinosaurs walked the earth and you had to avoid getting eaten on the way to school.  You don't have to worry about someone making a Facebook post or tweet about you or even someone trying to get you to try drugs, and let's not even go into sex.”

“Stop right there.  I don't want to know.  You win it is harder for you then it was for me.”  Grandpa smiled.  Ren broke out laughing.

“Thanks Grandpa.  I love you.”

“I love you to sweet-pea.”  They hugged each other and after a while Grandpa returned to his book.  “This could take a while.  Why don't you work on identifying the basket of herbs I have over there.  Make sure they get into the right beaker and when you cut them make sure the pieces are the same size as those that are in there.  Thank you.”

Ren marched over to the basket of herbs on the table.  I hate doing herbs.  This is baby work.  What does he think I am?  A baby!  I am eleven not six.  I wish he would start treating me like an adult.  I hate this Grandpa. 

Ren was talking to herself venting her frustrations when her Grandpa said.  “I  heard that sweet-pea.”  The frown on Grandpa's face said it all.  If she ever wanted to be treated like and adult she would have to start acting like one. 

Three hours later she was done with the herbs.  “How's this look Grandpa?”

“That's the ticket.  You did a nice job.  Now I have something for you.  Drink this.”

Ren took the beaker and sniffed the yellow and green contents.  “This smells like bat guano!  What is it?”

“It's the solution to your ghost problem.  I know it doesn't smell so great but it will keep him away during school for the next week or so.  If it's that bad you can always wear the herb bag.”  Grandpa smiled knowing the answer already.

“No, no Grandpa, I'll drink it.”  Ren reached around her head and pinched her nose.  She placed the beaker to her lips and tried to put the disgusting concoction down her throat in one swift move.  She got three gulps down before her hand slipped off her nose an she took a deep breath.  She immediately started gagging.  She tried not to get sick holding her mouth closed.  She held the beaker at arms length and took deep breaths to calm her stomach.  After a few breaths things started to calm down.  Her face was red and she was embarrassed.  When she got her composure back she said, “That was delicious.” 

Grandpa held his smile but snorted some of the coffee he was drinking through his nose.  When Ren saw that she couldn't help but laugh too.  Grandpa took the beaker and placed it on the nearest table.

“I think you got plenty down sweet pea.  Now go brush your teeth.  Your breath really stinks.  Grandpa started laughing again.  Ren joined in laughing then gave her grandfather a hug and headed to the bathroom.

Ren Vampire Spy (Book 1 of the Ren Series)Where stories live. Discover now