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Ren did reappear after ninety minutes.  Grandpa was thrilled and started the mass production of the potion.  Ren helped until 10PM then Grandpa ordered her to bed.

Ren didn't fight with her Grandpa or her Mother.  She was tired and knew she had school tomorrow.  She also knew the missing school would arouse suspicion.  So she took a shower then headed off to sleep. 

At 1:30AM Father came home.  He sat in the living room with Mother and Grandpa.  He looked harried and tired.  Larissa brought him a nice glass of warm blood which he drank greedily.  Mother refilled his glass then sat to hear the news.

Jeremy went over the news from the beginning.  The two ware-beasts that were captured, his conversation with Alpha and the resulting plan.  “It's a good plan my love.  It can succeed.  The only problem is that we are going to have to let Ren do it.”

“Absolutely Not.”  Larissa was on the verge of tears.  “She is to young and I won't have it.  Dad tell him.”

Grandpa thought for a moment then said, “I think she is ready.”

Larissa cried, “How can you say that.  Just the other day you were on her about growing up and acting like an adult.  Now she is ready to enter the service of VIC.  Look one of my family in VIC is enough.  I am not giving up my daughter to the cause.  Find another way, Ren is not doing it.

Jeremy looked at his wife with love and understanding.  “Larissa you should have seen her.  She had the presence of mind to record ACTS's presentation.  Then she talked her way past the Alpha's personal guard.  She was amazing and the Leader saw it all.  This is the first time we have ever suggested using a child for recon but Ren can do this.  Alpha has agreed to provide body guards to keep her safe.  We will be listening and if anything goes wrong Alpha and his troops will go in and rescue her.”

“Don't try to convince me that some wolf is going to look out for my girl.  After all when has a wolf ever protected a vampire.”  Larissa was struggling not to cry.

“That's the point.  Ren has brought peace to our clans.  When she spoke to Alpha and explained the threat she also told him she hoped we would be able to work together to solve this problem.  Alpha was so impressed by our little girl that he gave her his direct line.  Even VIC doesn't have that.  When we were in discussions with Alpha he impressed on me their love and protection of family.  Because of what Ren did he told me that she is considered family.  She couldn't be in better hands.  I wouldn't have even considered it if she wasn't.”

“Jeremy I hold you responsible if anything happens to my little Ren.”  Larissa was crying now and not even trying to hide it.

“I'll be there as well.  Don't worry darling.  I'll make sure she comes home.  My plan it to tell her in the morning then get her started after school tomorrow.  Dad I'm going to need your help too.  Did you get that potion to work?”

“Ren helped me and we can offer 90 minutes of invisibility per dose.  We have about fifty doses ready and by tomorrow afternoon that number should reach five hundred.”

“That is amazing Dad, good job.  This will let the wares be right with her and no one will know.  Thank you for your help.”

“You're welcome son.  Now I have to get back to work.  You try to get some rest, you don't look so good.”

“I will Dad, thanks.”

Jeremy fell asleep in the chair and Larissa didn't have the heart to wake him so she put a blanket over him and let him sleep.

When Ren came down for breakfast she was wide awake and ready to get to school on time. 

“Good morning Ren,” Jeremy said.

“Good morning Father.  Did things go well with the Alpha last night?”

“Actually Ren things went great.  Did you know the wolves and the vampires have reached a peace treaty?  Thanks to you that is.  Alpha said you are part of his clan.  They officially adopted you because of your actions and bravery yesterday.  So you are now protected by the wolves and the vampires.  Leader has asked me to offer you a job.  How would you like to be the spy for the wolves and the vampires.  We need recon and we figure you would be the best choice.”

“Me?  Oh Yah!  I would love to do it.  What do you need me to do?  Can I tell Dani?  She is going to be so excited.  Can I carry a communicator and a gun, maybe even a taser....”  Visions of Jane Bond danced through her head.

“Slow down little one.  To answer your questions no you can't tell Dani, this is top secret and the less others know the safer you will be.  No to the gun and the laser but you will have a communicator.  It's called a cell phone.  You will also have a taser for protection but you can only take it out to use it.  Not to show it off.”

“Ok, Father I get the point.”  Ren was a bit disappointed but still the thought of being a spy was way exciting.  The taser could be fun.

Jeremy smiled at Ren and said, “I didn't mention all the other spy stuff you will have access too.  You will have bugs and trackers, some knock out drops, handcuffs, and these CCTV sun glasses.”

“CCTV?  What are those?”  Ren was curious.

Jeremy took them out of the case.  He flipped a switch on them and set them on the mantel pointing toward the group.  He used the remote to select the output to the TV.  He turned on the TV and changed the channel.  Within seconds an image of everyone in the room appeared on the screen.  Ren waved at the mantel and saw her hand waving on the TV.

“This is totally cool.”  Ren was jumping up and down she was so excited.  She took the glasses off the mantel and put them on.  She looked from one person to another. 

Jeremy interrupted her train of thought.  “Ren blink you left eye.”  Ren obeyed and the image zoomed in on Mothers hands.

“This totally rock.”

“Ren blink again.”  The image zoomed in again.  “You can do that up to ten times.  When you want to go backwards just blink your right eye and you will zoom out one step per blink.  It will record eight hours of video and there are a couple of other memory sticks in the case behind this hidden flap.  You can charge it with your computer or the case comes with a charger.  It will work for about 12 hours before you have to charge it.  If you look in the upper right corner of the screen you will see the battery indicator.  Any questions?”*

“Just one father.  Does it upload to Facebook?”  Everyone in the room laughed. 

“Not Facebook but it will send the files to VIC by wireless connection.  The whole thing works from an app on your smart phone.  So you can look like your texting and actually be controlling your camera.  

“Thank you Father.  This is the coolest day of my life.  So from now on just call me Ren, Ren Bond, 009 and a half.”  The family laughed again and sent Ren off to school.  After all a spy needs all the education she can get.    

Ren Vampire Spy (Book 1 of the Ren Series)Where stories live. Discover now