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Jeremy set up a three-way call between Leader, Alpha, and himself.  Once all parties were on the line Jeremy began informing the other parties of Ren's report.  “Ren and Dani now have anytime passes that will allow them to leave class whenever they want.  No one in the hall will question them as long as they have these passes.  If things get rough the girls can get out of the building to safety.  I don't know about you Alpha but that sure eased my mind some.”

“Mine also,” Alpha said.

When Jeremy explained how Ren had gotten the passes all three shared a laugh.  Jeremy explained how Ren was able to come in contact with silver.  “I had no idea she had that old spoon but it sure saved her life that she had.  I think Ren should be called upon to teach the other agents how to do the same.” 

Leader said, “I agree.  I want that done this weekend.  It may save some lives of other agents.  Jeremy your daughter is proving to be a wealth of information.  Everybody seems to underestimate her.”

“Yes Jeremy, she is amazing.  You have raised her well and she makes you're family stand proud.”  Alpha started to say something else but Jeremy cut him off.

“Well gentlemen if you like that your going to love this.  Ren has given me the headquarters location and a new count on prisoners.”

“That is amazing,” Alpha said.  “I have had my best trackers on that task and the only thing they can tell me is that it is not where they looked.”

“Mine haven't done any better.  I guess she has now outdone our best.  I suppose I should put her on salary.” Leader was not joking. 

“I think that would be a great idea.  The family could use the money.  Thank you Sir.”

“Not a problem Jeremy.  Let's start her off at a level two field agent.  That's still fifty-six thousand a year isn't it?”

“Actually Sir it is closer to sixty now.”

“Well that's even better.  Make it happen today.”

“I will Sir.  But getting back to the location.  Just outside of town there is an old wool mill on the northern end of town.  They have fixed up the first two floors.  The first floor is the work area with labs, cages, and communications.  The second floor is the barracks, kitchen, and infirmary.   The old power building by the river is now the motor pool.  It is fixed up really nice.  It looks like they are planning on staying a while.  They are installing air conditioners and heating ducts at this time so it looks like they plan to be there a while.”

Alpha spoke up, “I'll send out a team to scout out the area.  After all your agent has done all the work to this point.”  He chuckled and Jeremy joined in.

Leader said, “That's a good idea.  When you have all the basic info we will plan out attack.”

“Give my wolves eight hours and we will know everything.”

“So we have a plan for today,” Jeremy asked?

“Can we meet at dusk to plan our attack and take them down tonight.  I want this done before they can start testing the students.”  Leader was adamant about attacking tonight.

“I'll see you at dusk.  Let's plan to meet at clan headquarters.  We are closer to the mill and we can provide your men with communication devices so we can all stay connected while the attack takes place.”

Leader announced his agreement and hung up his phone.

Jeremy said, “Alpha?”

“Yes Jeremy?”

“I just wanted to thank you for your help.  I really hope this will  mark the end of our feud.    I also want to say thanks for the kind words about Ren.  Her and Dani are close and I am so glad you allow the relationship.”

“I allow the relationship because it is best for both clans.  And Ren...well Ren is special girl and in our world when a child does well the credit goes to the parents.  You and your wife have done great raising that little vampire.  My statements are not meant as compliments but rather a statement of fact.  But I do know what you mean....and thank you for saying so.”

“You are welcome Alpha.  We will see you tonight at dusk.”  Jeremy clicked off.

Ren Vampire Spy (Book 1 of the Ren Series)Where stories live. Discover now