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When Ren got home she was in a foul mood.  She tossed her backpack by the front door with a thunk and flopped down into one of the wing backed chairs. 

“Hey Sweet-pea what's going on with you?  You look like you lost your best friend to a ware-wolf attack.  You want to talk?”  Grandpa sat back down in his chair and just waited for Ren to be ready.

After a few minutes of steaming in her own juices.  Then she finally looked at her Grandpa and said, “I don't think it is a good idea for me to go to school with the hunter in town.”

“Ren we covered this last night, you need to go to school.  All you have to do is keep your head down and no one will bother you.”

Ren snapped, “Oh really?  Well that shows what you, mom, and dad know.  Today I was sitting in lunch and guess who came in to yell at me.  Come on guess.”

Grandpa thought for a minute then said, “The hunter?”

“No, not the hunter.  It was Madam Bouliva.  It seems your spell worked so well the Sammy had to go to Madam Bouliva to complain about me.  I managed to get her outside but she went into some kind of spell casting and waved her arms and ranted in Latin.  If anyone had seen me my life would be over.  I was so angry.  I just wanted to bit her and let her see how it is from my side.”

“You didn't did you?”  Grandpa looked worried.

“No, I'm angry not stupid Grandpa.  Geeze will you ever look at me as more then a stupid kid.”

“Ren I don't think of you as a kid.  You are a lovely young women and you are starting to think like an adult.”  Grandpa got up slowly from his chair and walked over to Ren's side.  He knelled next to her and gave her a hug then kissed her forehead.  “Let's talk about this Sweet-pea and see if we can't figure out a solution.”

“OK, Grandpa.”

Ren went over in great detail the happenings of the day.  When she was done answering Grandpa's questions it was time for them to sit down at dinner. 

Grandpa warned her that they should keep this to themselves.  She agreed and put on her best fake smile for dinner.

With dinner over Ren excused herself from the table and headed to Grandpa's lab.  A few minutes later Grandpa joined her under the pretense of helping with her science homework.  When the two were alone Ren filled Grandpa in on what Madam Bouliva had done.  Grandpa checked and his potion was still working so the old bat, as Grandpa would say, failed again. 

“She's such a fake.  I don't know how she stays in business.  I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

Ren joined Grandpa in a good laugh.  Grandpa reached in his pocket and took out a ten dollar bill. 

“Here you are sweet-pea.  This will cover your lunches this week.  You did good.  You acted like an adult and didn't cause a scene.  I am so proud of you.”

“Thanks Grandpa.”

“You are welcome young one.  Now you need to head off to bed.  This is still going to be a tough week.”

When Ren arrived at school the next morning she went to class and was informed that instead of her first two classes there was going to be an assembly.  Ren didn't like the idea of missing class for some speaker but it was a regular occurrence and required.  Ren got to the auditorium and found Dani.  As usual she had saved a seat for Ren who plopped down next to her. 

“Hi Dani.  Have you heard what this assembly is about?”

“Not yet but I'm sure it is going to be dull.”

Ren Vampire Spy (Book 1 of the Ren Series)Where stories live. Discover now