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uh oh. almost valentine's day. you know what that means! del gets to sit at home and cry because you-know-who doesn't and never will like them!!! yay....!

first period was art. today we put the finishing touches on the mosaic and are preparing to put it on the wall. finally.

second period went by soooooo slowly. we had to go into our lab notebooks and write about polar bears and why scientists track them. climate change am I right?

third period was all notes on andrew jackson and why he was such a prick.

fourth period we had a sub. she was nice but ruthless. I liked her style. also brian gave me a heart-shaped loli. it was pink lemonade flavored. it was really good too. besides that, we read an article on homelessness in the united states and did vocab and a graphic organizer for it.

fifth period we sat in stations again. when my teacher was teaching my group and going through the work step by step with them, she just let me go off and finish it. math has been really easy recently. we switched stations and I moved over to the graphing station. surprise surprise, I also finished that which meant I had no homework. yay!!!

during lunch today we had free seating. because on the bus mackenzie gave me a peanut butter sandwich, that's what I had. even though I was smashed into a pancake by my book bag, it was still delicious. also I got into a fight with Hayden_Reeves and I want to say that i'm sorry for yelling at you but you need to understand that the things you do to me aren't funny and honestly make me feel bad. you're one of my closest friends and I don't want to lose you over this.

sixth period came along and we finished up our story and we began to write one as a group (me and deja) using the kardashians as our protagonists. suddenly we hear mrs rivera say that we're not allowed to use the kardashians. that meant that I had a lot of homework for math to do. sigh.

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