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today I started off my day with a frustrating game of handball with a group of girls who don't know even know what the fuck a sport is.
second period, we partnered up to learn about energy sources. you know, that thing we learn about every single year even though we were taught about it starting in 2nd grade?
third period we had our sub and we worked on our packets. or at least my classmates did. nate and I were drawing pictures of shrek as a japanese school girl....
fourth period we had our vocab test finally! I got all of them correct so HAH MS SCHATZ!
fifth period, we were in the computer lab and when I left to go to my locker after math, you-know-who and I locked eyes as i passed. he went the opposite way up the back stairwell and I went to the front ones and by the time I arrived at my locker, you-know-who got to his and once a fucking again, we had a stare off.. I obviously smiled and he smirked back and returned his attention to his locker and I died on the inside. then tabby and I made our way to the lunchroom.
when I sat at our table, you-know-who (i'm so tired of writing that out ugh...)
asked me about the book I was reading. I recommended it to him and he said he might check it out. honestly, I don't believe he genuinely has interest in vincent van gogh, but his gesture was nice.
in sixth period we played tons of games against other teams and of course, my team won (everyone says it's because i'm there .,.). when we won, you-know-who gave me the prize he picked out. he placed it on my desk. me being me, I thought he accidentally moved it so I motioned it into his hands. he gave it right back to me and told me that I could have it and he smiled like a true gentleman and I wanted to die. I thanked him and returned to our lesson. today was a wonderful day.

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