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b day! my favorite days. we have health on b days. today we had a competition. whoever could build the tallest and most stable tower made from 7 sheets of paper and 1 foot of tape won. originally i was put in a group with you-know-who. that was until mr williams put me in another group. obviously i was very upset. I think you-know-who noticed because I noticed that whenever I turned around to his group, he was smiling in a "hey I see you're upset so i'm going to try to make you feel better by smiling" way. in the end, his group won and I was very proud of him. we had five minutes left at the end of class. then me williams shared that the point of that was to show how stress works and how to cope with it. nice lesson in my opinion.

second period. sigh.......... we had put performance task today. I covered two pieces of paper, front and back, to answer what is the correlation between greenhouse gases and climate change. I think I did well. the rest of the period I sat drawing and talking to the boy next to me. fun fun.

third period we finished up our dbq, I turned mine in and waited for further instruction. we then took some notes on andrew jackson. very exciting stuff.

fourth period was okay. we got new seats which makes me excited because now I sit by a childhood best friend of mine. we did vocabulary for a story we'll be reading on monday.

fifth period today we spoke about our high school math courses. it was kinda boring but at least I know what will be happening. after my teacher finished speaking  i asked whether or not she would put my in two periods of math. she said, "the chance that i'd put you in for two period of math is very low. honestly, I don't even know why you're in standard math. you should be in honors."

lunch was disappointing. everyone was so loud. I felt so anxious the entire time. I had to draw a really crappy picture to help me calm down.

sixth period aka my favorite period. we are beginning to get very familiar with past tense verbs. today we did a game where we had to go around the room and translate the english phrases into spanish. normally on assignments like this, I work alone. I got up and began numbering my paper 1-12 when I hear, "Um hey. Can I please work with you?" you-know-who had just asked if he could work with me. "M-My friends already found other partners so..." I look behind him to find his partnerless friend. he lied. he lied to be my partner. I of course said yes. after all, I wasn't about to say no to the person I like. that would be counter productive.

we finished the assignment first with all of them right. and in case you think he only partnered with me so I could do all of the work, you are incorrect. he did just as much work, maybe even a bit more, as I did. later we took a test. both of us got 100% (also I just looked at my overall grade for spanish and I have a 101.3%)

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