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the time of preparation for finals has been a stretch of three weeks and jihoon is barely holding on

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the time of preparation for finals has been a stretch of three weeks and jihoon is barely holding on. he had just finished his second cup of coffee in the middle of the night, with textbooks piled up on his desk and a physics worksheet on his face.

his phone suddenly rings from under the covers of his bed and he groans, standing up to reach for the gadget only to see a message on his lockscreen: 'sweetie, are you coming home for the new year?' jihoon averts his eyes to the awful pile of books and wishes he could finally come home. the year is ending in a week and he already missed celebrating christmas with his family (not like he actually enjoys the noise though) but thinking about it, his days are already planned out until finals. and the stress, it's been with him for a while now, long enough to keep him company, that the tension can be felt right away upon entering the room.

'i'm sorry, mom. I'll pass, I'll just make it up to you next time' is all he could reply with as he plays with the small ring on his finger. then, he sits back down to veer the focus on his paper. a set of numbers, strain and hooke's law are all that should matter at this time. at least that's what his mind tells him.

coming from the door is the last person he would like to be his roommate. jihoon cranes his neck to the direction, watching the new kid struggle with his luggage. what's he even doing with a huge luggage? does he live that far? the boy pushes his hair back and scans the room until he sees the person seated in front of the desk. before jihoon could turn away to face his books again, a genuine smile spreads across the boy's face. to jihoon's surprise, this new roommate has a pair of cute eyes that form crescents when he smiles.

"hello i'm kwon soonyoung!" he greets with a small wave. oh god, jihoon mutters to himself. if this is the boy he's going to be celebrating the coming year with, then he's going to suffer. jihoon, being that person who never really gets along with strangers nor becomes a friend easily, didn't know what to reply. he's too deranged with his physics topics to be able to form a decent sentence about himself. "lee jihoon," he mumbles.

something tells him. have they met before? or is he just so tired with all the schoolwork that his mind is playing with him at this point.

"nice ring," says soonyoung as he walks towards the petite boy. jihoon's eyes make their way to his finger, then back to soonyoung who seems to stare at his hand in awe. the ring on jihoon's last finger looks brighter than all of saturn's rings combined, beautifully crafted in silver like icy remnants of the moon.

"thanks. it was given to me when I was born."

"looks oddly familiar to me," soonyoung mumbles.

"what did you say?"

"nothing! anyway, I brought donuts for you," soonyoung casually drops the white box next to jihoon's books, his mouth pulling up in a cheerful smile. then they stare at each other for a good five seconds. soonyoung is indeed a charming boy, jihoon thinks to himself. he has jet black hair, full cheeks and perfectly plump lips. he has the kind of face that can make people stop to give a second look. honestly, jihoon had never seen anyone with eyes like soonyoung's. they're slanted in a way that reminds him of the clock at 10:10 in the morning (breaktime, his favorite hour)

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