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a faint glow of peach color passes through blinds, making jihoon open his eyes and rub last night's dream away

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a faint glow of peach color passes through blinds, making jihoon open his eyes and rub last night's dream away. he turns to his right and taps on his phone to check the time. It's only half past six; school starts at eight. five minutes more, jihoon muses as he burrows himself back into the soft sheets. seventeen minutes later, he goes down the ladder, half asleep, then catches a glimpse of soonyoung sleeping with his mouth open. cute. jihoon chuckles and walks to the window to take in shafts of warm light that pass through the gaps in the blinds. he makes his way to the bathroom to wash his face then tears through a bag of cereal, filling the bowl and then pouring milk all over. after a few seconds, he plops down in the chair to his desk, facing his notes as he dives a spoonful into his mouth.

after finishing his cereal, he rushes to brush his teeth then he steps into the bathroom, flinching as his feet touch the cold ceramic floor. he takes a neatly folded towel on the shelf crammed just above the sink then places it over the rack. the shower area with jihoon's shampoo, conditioner and body wash bottles arranged into a small basket pushed against the wall is now crowded with unfamiliar containers of varied colors. coming from one of soonyoung's shampoo bottles is a fresh fruity scent mixed with a subtle hint of flowers in the very best way. jihoon seems to like it. he places it back into the basket and starts to shower, forgetting to turn on the heater.

ice cold water pours from the shower head, freezing as it comes in contact with his skin and stealing all the warmth from his body. "fuck!" he screams and turns the lever so water stops flowing. he pushes his hair back in frustration and flinches upon hearing a knock on the door.

"jihoon? are you okay?"

"oh god why is he awake?" jihoon whispers to himself then clears his throat to shout. "I'm okay, it's nothing!"

"do you need help?" asks soonyoung, the concern clear in his tone.

"no!" jihoon panics, "go away Soonyoung, i'm fine!"

water from the shower comes running again, with the perfect pressure and temperature this time. jihoon takes a few minutes to clean himself before he steps outside in his baggy clothes to dry his hair with a towel. he sees soonyoung laying on the bed and just scrolling on his phone. "good morning, jihoon," the boy greets. "morning," jihoon says back. there's nothing else to say.

soonyoung slips the gadget under his pillow to drift back to sleep by the time jihoon walks to his dresser to choose an outfit. jihoon almost takes off his shirt, but turns and remembers that he has a roommate. sure, soonyoung has his eyes closed but it's still awkward for jihoon to change at a spot where he could be seen. because of this, he hurries to the tiny bathroom and squeezes himself into black pants and a huge baby blue sweater. soon after, he starts running around the room looking for the things he needs for the school day. and no matter how heavy his footsteps are, soonyoung doesn't open an eye.

when it's about time to go, jihoon carries his backpack and examines himself in the mirror. he applies chapstick onto his lips then brushes the hair partly covering his forehead. he looks alright, just like the usual. the blonde hair makes the winter blush appear more rosy against his fair skin.

he sighs, "you're so fucking ugly, lee jihoon."

he hastens outside then back again to grab a jacket by the door when he realized it's gotten colder outside. fuck, i'm late, jihoon repeats to himself as he slips into the down feathered jacket with shaking hands. then halfway through his way to school, he realizes:

the jacket is soonyoung's.

jihoon curses under his breath, shakes his head and reaches the classroom exactly a minute before the bell rings. he can't believe that he survived the snow, although his hands are already frozen and his face looks like it was beaten with a chalkboard eraser. "look at you, you're so dead," mingyu laughs upon seeing his little friend.

"I am dead, thanks for pointing out the obvious," jihoon takes his seat and drops a book on the desk.

"and uh, nice big coat you got there by the way."

"it's not mine," he rolls his eyes "it belongs to soonyoung." mingyu throws his head back and laughs again, "you just met and now you're wearing his clothes?"

a pencil flies to the tall boy's direction, hitting him right on his forehead. "is there even a day where you don't ruin my fucking morning? you piece of shit."

"find your chill, dude," mingyu picks up the pencil and attempts to throw it back at jihoon. but when he gets a glare, he grins and decides to just place it on the boy's desk. the professor then enters the room and they both groan.

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