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aoonyoung couldn't be happier, and the same goes for his lover

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aoonyoung couldn't be happier, and the same goes for his lover. he scoots closer to him, holding his hand. the old jihoon would want to brush it off, but not anymore. he likes the idea of having his hand held by the first person he fell in love with.

"hey," soonyoung flashes a smile, "i just realized, we got nothing to do until sunrise."

jihoon purses his lips then sighs, "maybe we should just head back home?" soonyoung pouts, "jihoon, i wanna stay until the first sunrise of this year!"

"well okay, but what do we do then?" soonyoung leans back, tapping his chin for a good one minute until a light bulb finally pops out his head. hurriedly, he fishes his phone out to play some music then he stands up while jihoon only sits there, watching him with a confused expression on his face. "come on, jihoon, let's dance!" the younger bursts into a fit of giggles, shaking his head no. "soonyoung, sit down, people are looking at you!" he exclaims, but the boy doesn't mind. he continues to dance to the song, skipping around jihoon and moving his arms around, doing random moves.

soonyoung takes both of jihoon's hands to pull him up but the younger stays on his seat, whining out a "no". when soonyoung doesn't stop, jihoon shoots a glare and tries to look annoyed, but a subtle smile plays on his lips and it gives soonyoung the idea that the boy is just playing hard to get. "jihoon, don't mind these people, let's have our own little world tonight- just us two."

okay, cheesy. jihoon rolls his eyes and finally lets the older pull him up to dance, with their hands locked together.

to dance on the snow and under the moonlight is something that jihoon never expected to do. something tells him that both of them could do this over and over and the feeling would never be the same. soonyoung spins him around, and they start to go in circles, laughing until the dizziness kicks in. everything in jihoon's vision starts to go in circular motion, and later on he finds himself on soonyoung's chest.

"you smell nice," jihoon mumbles, burying his face on the soft fabric of soonyoung's sweater, "like baby powder mixed with candied almonds and vanilla." soonyoung wraps his arms around the boy and chuckles, "that makes me think that you'd like to stay like this for a little longer." jihoon nods as an answer and entangles his arms around the boy as well.

It's funny how all of this wouldn't have happened if soonyoung never became his roommate, if they never studied together, if they never existed in the same universe. jihoon realizes how meaningless his life would be without his chatterbox roommate, the one he's so head over heels for.

a with a soft tune plays on the phone and the older boy starts to sing to it as they both sway slowly. jihoon closes his eyes to listen to soonyoung's voice. suddenly, his mood falls into melancholy.

"soonyoung," he mutters, looking up to the boy, "this isn't going to happen again, is it?"

soonyoung stops to hum and stares at jihoon, holding him closer, "what are you talking about?" the boy falls silent for a few seconds before answering, "i'm saying that you don't like me, and that this isn't going to happen again, right?"

"wait, jihoon, no," soonyoung lets out a nervous chuckle, "am i not obvious enough?"


soonyoung pulls away from the hug and holds both of jihoon's hands tightly, their fingers intertwined. he looks at the boy in front of him and says "jihoon, i like you. and i know it's not ideal for friends to like each other but maybe, you're an exception. maybe, you're meant to be more than my friend."

"soonyoung," jihoon tries to slip his hands off of soonyoung's, "you don't, right?"

the latter holds on tighter,"but what if i really do?"

"no, that's impossible," jihoon laughs bitterly, "you like seokmin. you still love him, don't you? I'm not worthy, I can never end up with someone. this is impossible."

"jihoon, listen to me," soonyoung cups the boy's face, gently moving his thumbs across his cheeks, "i thought there were things that are impossible too, until i realized, if you're here, then nothing is."

jihoon looks him in the eye. soonyoung is right, he might just be overwhelmed. he starts to cry, and it's not because of anything negative, but because at some point, he thought he was so close to losing the first boy he ever loved. in fact, his tears aren't the broken pieces of himself that he refuses to pick up from the ground- they're tears coming from mixed feelings of relief and happiness, knowing that soonyoung feels the same all along. and he means it. "i'm sorry, are you okay?" soonyoung asks, but even if he didn't get an answer, he knew that everything is fine when jihoon pulls him into a tight hug again.

"i fucking love you, kwon soonyoung."

"i love you too, lee jihoon, to the moon and never back. I don't see why there's a reason to be back on earth when I could love you on the moon forever, where each day lasts for a month."

he plants a kiss on the top of jihoon's head, then notices that the song is still going on so he smiles and continues to sing. "friends should sleep in other beds, and friends shouldn't kiss me like you do, and I know that there's a limit to everything, but my friends won't love me like you."

a few minutes later, they were back on the small bench, sitting next to each other. jihoon steals glances from time to time, wondering if he should say a word. the same thing goes for soonyoung. it seems as if they're just waiting for each other to break the ice.

"hey," they both say, then crack up into awkward laughter. "okay, you go first," soonyoung tells the boy

"no, you go first."

"no, you."

"okay," jihoon nods, "about earlier, soonyoung. does it mean that we're... a thing now?"

"well," soonyoung tilts his head to the right. "will you be my boyfriend, jihoon?" he asks, holding the boy's hand tightly.

"yes." the younger answers without skipping a beat. a smile forms on his lips, showing the dimple that soonyoung absolutely adores. "that means we're together-together now?"

"definitely," soonyoung answers, "i don't think i can spend this year, knowing that you aren't mine."

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